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Meeting MS&T21: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Additive Manufacturing of Metals: Equipment, Instrumentation and In-Situ Process Monitoring
Organizer(s) Ulf R. Ackelid, Freemelt AB
Ola L. Harrysson, North Carolina State University
Joy Gockel, Colorado School of Mines
Sneha Prabha Narra, Carnegie Mellon University
Scope The purpose of this symposium is to review and discuss various aspects of equipment, instrumentation and measurement technology used for Additive Manufacturing (AM), from R&D to production applications. We welcome papers exploring existing solutions on commercial AM systems, as well as new innovative technologies which are still at a laboratory stage.

Suitable topics for this symposium include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. New methods, technologies, concepts and equipment for AM, such as
a. feedstock distribution
b. methods for consolidation
c. beam scanning algorithms
d. improvements of lasers, electron guns, print heads, etc.
e. build chamber environment
f. methods for improved process stability and repeatability

2. Innovative development of auxiliary instrumentation and methods intended for AM

3. In-situ process monitoring and control methods, such as
a. Monitoring of powder layer quality
b. Detection of porosity and other defects
c. In-process defect repair
d. Monitoring of dimensional accuracy (XY) and surface topography (Z)
e. Thermal monitoring and mapping
f. Real-time melt pool characterization
g. Evaporation loss measurement
h. Monitoring of vacuum quality, process gas purity and gas flow pattern
i. High-speed imaging of fast processes such as powder distribution, melt pool dynamics, spattering and electrostatic levitation
j. Monitoring of beam quality (laser or electron beam)
k. Detection of acoustic signals, optical emission, X-rays, backscatter electrons.

Abstracts Due 04/15/2021

Advancing Measurement Science of Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) Process Monitoring Applying Thermal Imaging
Combined In-situ Monitoring of Meltpool, Powder Layer, and Part Topography for Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) Based Metal Additive Manufacturing
Defect Recognition and Improvement in Ti-6Al-4V Fabrication by In-situ Monitoring and Feedback System of Directed Energy Deposition LAMDA 200
Functionally Graded Material Development by Leveraging Ultrasonic Grain Refinement in Additive Manufactured Nickel 718
High-speed Observations and Quantification of Spatter in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
In-situ Sensing in Processing Parameter Development for Bismuth Telluride Bulk Part Fabrication Using Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Innovative and Practical Approaches to Laser Powder Bed Fusion Sensing and Process Enhancement
Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Tall Thin Walled Structures: Dimensional Inaccuracy Due to Local Buckling, and In Situ Infrared Imaging for Early Failure Detection
Materials Characterization of Anomalies Identified Through In-situ Process Monitoring Data Analytics
Melt Pool Level Flaw Detection in Laser Hot Wire Additive Manufacturing Using a Trained Convolutional Long Short Term Memory Autoencoder
Physics Guided Machine Learning DED Melt Pool Width Prediction
Plenoptic Imaging for In-situ PIV and Melt Pool Monitoring in Laser Directed Energy Deposition
Studying the Effect of Inert Gases on Thermal Behavior in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Using In Situ Monitoring and Similarity Analysis
Ultrasonics for Monitoring Melt Pool Dynamics and Solidification

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