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Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Additive Manufacturing: Equipment, Instrumentation and In-Situ Process Monitoring
Sponsorship TMS Additive Manufacturing Committee
Organizer(s) Ulf R. Ackelid, Freemelt AB
Joy Gockel, Colorado School of Mines
Sneha Prabha Narra, Carnegie Mellon University
Ola L. Harrysson, North Carolina State University
Scope The purpose of this symposium is to review and discuss various aspects of equipment, instrumentation and measurement technology used for Additive Manufacturing (AM), from R&D to production applications. We welcome papers exploring existing solutions on commercial AM systems, as well as new innovative technologies which are still at a laboratory stage.

Suitable topics for this symposium include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. New methods, technologies, concepts and equipment for AM, such as
a. feedstock distribution
b. methods for consolidation
c. beam scanning algorithms
d. improvements of lasers, electron guns, print heads, etc.
e. build chamber environment
f. methods for improved process stability and repeatability

2. Innovative development of auxiliary instrumentation and methods intended for AM

3. In-situ process monitoring and control methods, such as
a. Monitoring of powder layer quality
b. Detection of porosity and other defects
c. In-process defect repair
d. Monitoring of dimensional accuracy (XY) and surface topography (Z)
e. Thermal monitoring and mapping
f. Real-time melt pool characterization
g. Evaporation loss measurement
h. Monitoring of vacuum quality, process gas purity and gas flow pattern
i. High-speed imaging of fast processes such as powder distribution, melt pool dynamics, spattering and electrostatic levitation
j. Monitoring of beam quality (laser or electron beam)
k. Detection of acoustic signals, optical emission, X-rays, backscatter electrons.

Abstracts covering additive manufacturing research and standards development will also be welcomed.

Abstracts Due 05/15/2022

A-18: Development of an IEP Apparatus for 3D Printing of Thermoelectric Material
A-19: In-process Microstructure Sensing of Gr91 Powder Bed Fusion Parts Using Ultrasonics
A-20: Real-time Process Monitoring for Multivariate Statistical Process Control in Powder Bed Fusion Metal Additive Manufacturing
A-21: Quantification of Melt Pool Variability for L-PBF Additive Manufacturing by High-Speed Imaging
Additive Manufacturing Standardization Landscape and Recent Initiatives Advancing Standards Development
Additive Materials Data: Truths and Myths
AM Materials Data – Challenges and Opportunities
An Intelligent Data Infrastructure for Additive Manufacturing
Automated Detection and Quantification of Spatter Generated During Laser Powder Bed Fusion Using Infrared Imaging and Computer Vision
Challenges and Opportunities for In-Situ Sensing during Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing
Characterization of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Internal and Surface Defects as a Foundation for In Situ Monitoring
Design of a Glovebox for In Situ Monitoring of a Directed Energy Deposition Process
Exploring Synchronized Dual Laser Scan Strategies for Increased Productivity of Laser Powder Bed Fusion
High-Speed Thermal Imaging of the Melt Pool in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
In-situ Monitoring of the EBM Process: From Powder Bed Homogeneity to Thermal Signatures
In-situ Process Monitoring of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Using Thermionic Emission Detection
In-situ Process Monitoring, Synchronization and Mapping Laser Powder Bed Fusion Builds of Ti6Al4V
In-situ Sensor Feature Engineering for Process Development of Energy Conversion Materials
Instrumenting an EOS M290 with a Smart Build-Plate
Investigating the Use of In-situ Weld Pool Characteristics and Temperature Measurements for Monitoring Part Quality in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
Melt Pool-Scale Process Monitoring of Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Microstructure Control during Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing
New Standardization Efforts to Collect, Correlate, and Identify Metrics of Reuse Powder with Functional Performance Data of Material Resultant of Additive Manufacturing Workflows
Optimization of Laser Powder Bed Fusion AM through Process Gas Control 
Process Monitoring of Melt Pool Spatter at Melt Pool, Layer and Part Scales
Providing a Rigorous Benchmark Measurement Foundation for Modeling-Informed Qualification and Certification of Metal AM Components
Real-time, High-speed and High-resolution Multi- and Hyperspectral Imaging of Powder Bed Fusion
Research and Standards Development Needs for AM Industrialization
Role of Interstitial Alloying Elements on Microstructural Evolution in Additively Manufactured Materials
Scientific Foundations and Approaches for Qualification of Additively Manufactured Structural Components
Several Ways Ultrasound Can Be Used during Powder Bed Fusion
Using High-Speed Thermal Imaging to Understand Melt Pool Defects in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Wire DED Process Monitoring and Controls

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