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Meeting MS&T21: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium New Frontiers in Physical Metallurgy of Steels
Sponsorship AIST: MPPA Committee
TMS Steels Committee
Organizer(s) Matthias Militzer, University of British Columbia
Pello Uranga, University of Navarra
Jonah Klemm-Toole, Colorado School of Mines
Amy J. Clarke, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Amit Kishan Behera, QuesTek Innovations LLC
Scope The symposium will focus on the physical metallurgy of steels with novel alloying concepts including increased levels of Mn, Al and Si. There are significant challenges in processing of these advanced steels to obtain microstructures and properties required for applications in the transportation and energy sectors. Contributions are sought that deal with novel microstructure concepts and processing strategies to manufacture high performance steels. A particular emphasis will be on steels with complex-phase microstructures including TRIP/TWIP and interface precipitation. The aim of the symposium is to provide an overview on the recent advances made in experimental and modelling studies as well as their industrial application.
Abstracts Due 04/15/2021

Austenite Decomposition during Hot-strip Rolling of Microalloyed Low-carbon Steel
Austenite Decomposition in the Coarse Grain Heat Affected Zone of X80 Line Pipe Steel
Improving the Fatigue Performance of Nitrided Steels with Amorphous and Crystalline Precipitates
Microstructural Engineering and Accelerated Test Method Development to Achieve Low Cost, High Performance Solutions for Hydrogen Storage and Delivery
Microstructural Modeling and Design in Triple Nano-precipitate Strengthened Austenitic Steel
Microstructure and Toughness Correlation in High Strength Q&T Boron Steels Microalloyed with Nb and Mo
Nano-precipitation and Resultant Surface Hardening by Nitriding of Ferrous Alloys
Nanoscale Investigation of Austenite/ferrite Interfaces in Medium Carbon Fe-Mn-C Steels at Different Inter-critical Temperatures
New Approach to Producing High Alloy Steels
Obtaining High Strength Ductility Combination by Quenching and Partitioning of Rolled Low Carbon Steel Sheet
Relationship between Fatigue Strength and Microstructure of Carburized Steel Tempered at Different Temperature
Simulation of the Nitriding and Ferritic Nitrocarburizing (FNC) Processes
Tribological Characterization of Silicon Stainless Steel Alloys

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