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About this Symposium
Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Preparing Undergraduate and Graduate Students - And the Faculty Who Prepare Them - For Materials Careers (A Symposium Held in the Memory and Honor of Elizabeth Judson)
Sponsorship TMS: Education Committee
Organizer(s) Marian S. Kennedy, Clemson University
Alison Polasik, Campbell University
Jeffrey W. Fergus, Old Dominion University
Jennifer LW Carter, Case Western Reserve University
Scope The Elizabeth Judson Memorial symposium was first held in 2011 to help academic engineering program learn about ABET and prepare for ABET accreditation evaluation visits but has evolved to include other aspects of education.

The materials community is responsible for both pushing the understanding of the structure-processing-properties paradigm and producing a workforce ready to generate technological change in future generations. This symposium is dedicated to understanding and improving how we prepare students (and the faculty who prepare them) for materials careers. Talks are solicitated from both educational researchers and practitioners taking part in iterative cycles of intervention and assessment so that the community can learn from their pioneering approaches and findings. In addition, speakers are expected to highlight how the community is evolving to external forces such as the recent emergence of ChaptGPT. Since a robust workforce needs participants at a range of educational levels, this symposium will highlight innovations in undergraduate, graduate and faculty programs within the field of materials science and engineering. Special attention will be given to new pedagogical approaches that engage undergraduate and graduate students in materials science and engineering fields. This symposium will also provide a forum for changes in ABET accreditation criteria and processes.

Abstract submissions are encouraged for the following topics:

  • Changes in ABET accreditation criteria and processes
  • Assessment, reflection, and innovation related to accreditation of graduate programs
  • Professional formation of materials engineers through curricular or extracurricular design
  • Broadening and refining of materials science curricula to meet evolving workforce needs and competencies. Examples might include the addition, subtraction or realignment of courses
  • Impact of intention and intentional curriculum evolution on student learning. Talks encouraged from programs assessing the lasting impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on students and institutions
  • Incorporation of artificial intelligence tools into higher education and their impact on student and faculty short-term and long-term performance
  • Influence of course mode (in-person, hybrid, virtual) on student short term and long-term performance
  • Design, implementation, and outcomes of outreach activities that increase the diversity of students choosing to pursue undergraduate and graduate degrees in materials engineering by reaching students from underrepresented groups or those with financial need
  • Cultivating an educational environment that fosters diversity, equity, justice, and inclusion.
  • Influence of faculty professional development on student educational experiences
  • Supporting early-, mid- and late-career faculty in the classroom
  • Successful partnerships with high school or community college partners that strengthen matriculation of students into the materials engineering field
  • Resilience and vitality of students during their matriculation including training for mental health

Organizers envision that speakers will include program directors, master teachers, and grant recipients of awards such as the National Science Foundation CAREER, IUSE, ADVANCE, RET, REU, NRT, IGE, etc.
Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Planned:

Assessing Student Learning with Oral Exams in a Graduate Thermodynamics Course
Building a Sustainable and Easy Process for ABET Student Outcomes Assessment
Expanding the List of Materials Properties to Add Depth and Challenge to Standard Engineering Classes
Integrating So-Called “Soft-Skills” in a Formal Way into a Materials Science and Engineering Class
Intro to Materials Course Design Using Concepts from Grading for Growth
Strategies for Attracting Indian Undergraduate Students to a Career in Materials Research and Technology
Student Attitudes and Beliefs Around Computational Work in MSE
Student Learning Through Performing Materials Science and Engineering Research in a Foreign Country
Updates to ABET Criteria: Information and Q&A
Visual Communication and Representations in Materials Science and Engineering

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