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Meeting MS&T22: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Additive Manufacturing: Mechanisms and Mitigation of Aqueous Corrosion and High-temperature Oxidation
Sponsorship TMS Corrosion and Environmental Effects Committee
TMS: Additive Manufacturing Committee
Organizer(s) Amir Mostafaei, Illinois Institute of Technology
Yashar Behnamian, University of Alberta
Mohsen Mohammadi, University of New Brunswick
Bryan Webler, Carnegie Mellon University
Kinga A. Unocic, North Carolina State University
Scope Over the past decade, additive manufacturing (AM) has been developed from research labs and is being employed in a variety of applications such as aerospace, naval/maritime, nuclear, medicine, and automotive. The unique microstructures and macroscopic defect structures (i.e, porosity, microcracks, grain morphology variability, cellular substructures, elemental segregation, surface roughness, etc.) produced in AM processes can have strong impacts on the degradation behavior of parts in service. Since the microstructure of AM parts is different from those produced by casting or metal forming, materials response to corrosive and harsh environments is different.

This symposium considers the aqueous corrosion and high-temperature oxidation behavior of structural, functional, and biomaterials such as steels, aluminum, titanium, nickel, cobalt, copper, high entropy alloys, bulk metallic glasses, and shape memory alloys used in AM. The topics of presentations that are sought include, but are not limited to:

• In-process powder contamination and oxidation during AM processes;
• Developing new AM materials for harsh environments;
• Strategies for mitigating the effects of corrosion/oxidation on AM microstructures
• Effects of defect structures and anisotropic microstructure on electrochemical response and high-temperature oxidation behavior of AM parts;
• Corrosion fatigue and stress corrosion cracking of AM processed materials;
• Influence of post-processing such as heat treatment and surface treatment on corrosion response of the AM parts.
Additive manufacturing, powder bed fusion, direct energy deposition, wire arc additive manufacturing, laser surface treatment, high-temperature structural alloys, hot-temperature corrosion, internal oxidation, Internal defects, stresses, harsh environment, alloy vaporization, and mass loss, oxide scale, aqueous corrosion.

Abstracts Due 05/15/2022

Corrosion Evaluation of Additively Manufactured Al-Cu-X Alloys
Effect of Aging Treatment on Stress Corrosion Cracking Response of Cold Sprayed Al 6061 Alloy
Electrochemical Behavior of Additively Manufactured Non-spherical Ti-6Al-4V in Saline Water
Electrochemical Performance of Additively Manufactured 8620 Low Alloy Steel: Effect of Acetic Acid
Leveraging Additive Manufacturing to Co-design Mechanical Properties and Environmental Resistance
Microstructural Characterization and High-Temperature Oxidation of Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processed Inconel 625

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