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Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Alloys IV
Organizer(s) Chuan Zhang, CompuTherm LLC
Dilpuneet S. Aidhy, Clemson University
Bin Ouyang, Florida State University
Yu Zhong, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Ji-Cheng Zhao, University of Connecticut
Scope The thermodynamics and kinetics of alloys are at the core of understanding and optimizing the properties and performance of metallic materials. The proposed "Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Alloys IV" symposium aims to provide a unique forum for researchers in both experimental and computational domains to exchange knowledge, discuss the latest advancements, and explore future directions in alloy thermodynamics and kinetics.

The symposium will emphasize interdisciplinary discussions bridging experimental and computational approaches. By convening experts in theory, modeling, artificial intelligence, advanced synthesis, and characterization, it seeks to foster collaborations that redefine alloy science. Topics will include, but are not limited to:

• Theoretical and Computational Advances: Leveraging theoretical insights and computational tools to develop advanced models linking alloy composition, microstructure, and properties. This includes enabling enhancements in mechanical, magnetic, electronic, and photonic performance of multicomponent alloys.
• Advanced Experimental Techniques: Utilizing cutting-edge synthetic tools, high-throughput autonomous experimentation, and advanced characterization techniques to accelerate the understanding of thermodynamic stability and kinetic behaviors in alloys.
• Experimental-Computational Synergy: Combining experimental findings with computational multi-scale modeling to deepen the understanding of alloy thermodynamics and kinetics. The goal is to foster a synergy between experimental and computational methodologies to drive innovation in alloy research.
• Rapid and Automated Alloy Design: Highlighting recent advances in the development of accelerated workflows for alloy discovery and optimization, including high-throughput screening, autonomous experimentation, and integration of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). This scope will explore the automation of alloy design processes to enable rapid identification of optimal compositions, microstructures, and processing pathways tailored for specific applications.

Abstracts Due 07/01/2025
Proceedings Plan Undecided
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