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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T25: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Next Generation Biomaterials
Sponsorship TMS: Biomaterials Committee
Organizer(s) Roger Jagdish Narayan, University of North Carolina
Tanveer Tabish, University of Oxford
Scope The development of materials for medical applications is a rapidly growing realm in materials science and engineering. Novel processing, characterization, and modeling techniques continue to be developed that will provide enhanced diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.

-Scaffolds for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
-Biomimetic and bioinspired materials
-Surface modification of biomaterials
-Metallic implant materials
-Nanoscale materials for medical diagnosis and treatment
-Novel materials for drug delivery and biosensing
-Polymeric biomaterials
-Biodegradable polymers
-Shape memory materials
-Additive manufacturing and 3D printing for medical applications

This symposium aims to create collaboration and discussion among the many groups involved in the development and use of biomaterials, including materials researchers, medical device manufacturers, and clinicians.

Abstracts Due 05/01/2025
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