Organizer(s) |
Glenn H. Balbus, MRL Materials Resources LLC Nicolo Della Ventura, University of California, Santa Barbara Gianna M. Valentino, University Of Maryland Julia T. Pürstl, University of California, Santa Barbara Verena Maier-Kiener, Montanuniversitaet Leoben J.C. Stinville, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Eric J. Lang, University of New Mexico Thomas E. J. Edwards, Nims P. Sudharshan Phani, University of Hyderabad |
Scope |
Materials under extreme conditions - such as high strain rates, cryogenic or elevated temperatures, corrosive environments, or irradiation - exhibit unique and often unexpected mechanical behavior. These environments challenge the limits of material performance, requiring a deeper understanding of deformation mechanisms, failure processes, and microstructural evolution across scales. From the nanoscale, where size and interface-dominated phenomena dictate responses, to the bulk, where gradients, textures, and microstructural defects play a central role, studies of these phenomena are critical for developing materials that can withstand the most demanding environments.
This symposium aims to bring together researchers exploring material behavior under single or combined extremes to highlight the interplay between experiments, theory, and simulations. Contributions addressing both fundamental mechanisms and industrially relevant mechanics challenges are particularly encouraged. By bridging insights across scales and conditions, this symposium seeks to build a comprehensive understanding of how materials respond to high strain rates, extreme temperatures, irradiation, and electrochemical challenges, paving the way for designing resilient, high-performance materials. Key topics, emphasizing scale-bridging analyses throughout, include, but are not limited to:
● High strain rate behavior: probing materials from the nanoscale to the bulk under dynamic loading
● Cryogenic and high-temperature mechanical responses for applications in aerospace, deep space, and fusion energy systems
● Effects of irradiation on material stability, deformation mechanisms, and failure processes
● Environmentally assisted degradation, including hydrogen embrittlement, stress corrosion cracking, and fatigue in corrosive conditions
● Advanced in situ techniques for probing extreme conditions, such as high strain rate, high temperature, and cryogenic testing
● Computational modeling and simulation of extreme environment behavior, bridging atomic to continuum scales
● Length-scale bridging experimental and/or modeling techniques to link nanoscale mechanisms to bulk properties: understanding the influence of microstructural gradients, textures, and interfaces on performance
Potential overlap with other symposia:
• Integrative Strategies for Understanding Interrelated Extremes in Materials Degradation in Fission and Fusion Environments
o Potential overlap regarding extreme environmental testing. However, our proposed symposium broadens potential topical areas to a wider range of extreme environments.
• Fracture and Deformation Across Length Scales: Celebrating the Legacy of William Gerberich
o Potential overlap regarding deformation across length scales. As both of these symposia are primarily sponsored by the NMBC, we will work diligently with the organizers of the Gerberich symposium to avoid any potential conflicts. Our symposium does not explicitly address fracture, and we will defer conventional or non-extreme-environment related topics to the Gerberich symposium. Moreover, environmental testing is not a focus of the Gerberich symposium. |