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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Mechanical Behavior Related to Interface Physics IV
Sponsorship TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division
TMS: Nanomechanical Materials Behavior Committee
TMS: Mechanical Behavior of Materials Committee
TMS: Integrated Computational Materials Engineering Committee
TMS: Nuclear Materials Committee
TMS: Surface Engineering Committee
Organizer(s) Stanislav Zak, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Nathan A. Mara, University of Minnesota
Barbara Putz, Empa Thun
Glenn H. Balbus, MRL Materials Resources LLC
Kevin Schmalbach, Bruker Nano
Youxing Chen, University of North Carolina Charlotte
Scope Interfaces constitute a key microstructural variable for tuning materials behavior across a wide range of length scales from nano to macro in single and multiphase systems, including structural and functional materials. The advent of novel multi-phase/multi-interface/composite structures holds great potential for enabling unparalleled performance under coupled extremes. Interfaces often dominate the material response in nanostructured systems and produce unique combinations of properties, ranging from enhanced elastic-plastic material properties through tunable fracture properties to electro/thermal functional properties. A fundamental understanding of interfacial physics and coupled phenomena impacting mechanical behavior is necessary to harness new concepts and methodologies in interface design of novel, multifunctional layered and composite structures.

This symposium aims to discuss interface physics that governs mechanical behavior and coupled phenomena in interfacially-driven multifunctionality in both single and multiphase materials and composites. Talks are solicited that cover synthesis, characterization, and modeling of materials with deliberately designed interfaces and material combinations with particular emphasis on new insights into fundamental mechanisms, analysis of defects, and their implications for multifunctional performance. Abstracts on recent developments in mechanical testing techniques (e.g., in situ straining in TEM, micropillar testing, etc.) and in high-fidelity modeling techniques (e.g., ab initio, finite elements, etc.) are also solicited. Topics of interest include, but are not necessarily limited to:

• Influence of interface structure and chemistry on deformation mechanisms in single and multiphase nanomaterials/nanocomposites
• Mechanical behavior of low dimensional materials (e.g., thin films, nanowires, nanotubes, and nanoparticles) described both experimentally and via modelling
• Physics of phase boundaries in multiphase systems, such as crystalline-amorphous composites, nanolaminates, nanoparticle/matrix composites, and nano-porous materials
• Mechanical behavior of grain boundary engineered nanomaterials (e.g. solute stabilization, grain boundary complexion formation, duplex and gradient nanostructures)
• Micro, meso, and macroscale modeling of deformation processes and coupled phenomena as they relate to interface physics (including multi-scale modelling)
• In situ testing methodologies for investigating mechanical behavior and coupled extremes such as mechanical and irradiation of small volumes of material

Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Planned:

A large hysteresis behavior in CaFe2As2 single crystal via the Bauschinger effect associated with buckling-induced formation of nanocrystalline structure
An Improved Technique for Accurate Mechanical Characterization of Free-Standing Films and Its Applications
Analyzing Plastic Flow in Polycrystalline Alloys from Atomistic to Microscale Perspectives
Aperiodic Interface Spacing and Its Role in Multifunctional Ceramic Nanomultilayers
Atomic-scale Elucidation of the Chemo-Mechanical Coupling Effects in Garnet-Type Solid-Electrolyte Materials
Atomistic analysis of the effect of thick interfaces on the deformation in metallic nanolayered composites
Can zinc be strengthened by voids? Micromechanical testing and microstructural insights into electrodeposited zinc coating
Characterization of interfacial bonding strength between 316 stainless steel and electrodeposited nickel layers via mesoscale mechanical testing
Combinatorial ALD/PVD Deposition of Ti/Ti2AlC Metal/MAX Multilayered Nanolaminates and Investigating their Mechanical Properties and Deformation Mechanisms
Confined layer slip process in Ag/Cu nanolaminates: An atomistic study
Creep-Induced Segregation at Grain Boundaries of Alloys – A Compelling Experimental Evidence for Diffusional Creep
Disconnection-mediated twinning in Magnesium: a combined atomistic and phase field approach
Distinguishing competing mechanisms in the deformation of ultra-small nanoparticles
Ductility and Brittle Fracture of Tungsten: The Role of Twin Boundaries and Pre-existing Dislocations
Effect of back-switching on kinetics of ferroelastic domain switching: A phase field study
Elucidating the Ballistic Impact Response of CFRP Impregnated Reinforced Concrete
Evading strength – ductility tradeoff in the complex concentrated alloy laminate by combining metastability engineered alloy design and friction stir welding technique
Evaluation of Interfacial Failure Characteristics and Its Prediction Based on Finite Element Method for Epoxy Adhesive
Examining the role of grain boundaries on the influence of screw dislocation mobility in bcc metals.
Exceptional hardness in cemented carbides - 1:1 hardness–structure–composition relationship of grain boundaries
Exploring interface fracture in thin film structures using diffraction-based techniques
Grain boundary segregation and its effect on the mechanical performance of NbMoW studied using atomistic simulations
High Strength and Ductility in Metal Nanolaminates with Ultra-Thin Amorphous Ceramic Interfaces
In-situ characterization of interface properties as well as modelling of crack-steering processes in nano-scale multi-layer and multi-material composite stacks in microelectronics
In Situ Micro-Cantilever Beam Bending Tests to Assess the Adhesion Strength of Cr Coatings on Zry-4
In situ nanoindentation of a soft three phase eutectic exhibiting non-uniform pile-up
Influence of Local Melting on the Strength of 316L/7075 Dissimilar Metal Bonding Interface in Ultrasonic Spot Welding
Influence of Temperature on the Interlayer Strength of Muscovite, a Layered Solid
Insights into the grain boundary sliding behavior of a Ni bicrystal
Interface Design for Flexible Thin Film Systems: Electromechanical Properties and Adhesion
Interface mechanics of metallic nanomultilayers
Interface modification to tailor adhesion of Mo-based alloy thin films to polyimide
Local Deformation Mapping of Microstructures Using Thermo-Mechanical Nanomolding
Mechanical behavior of epitaxial thin film exfoliation
Micromechanics of hybrid ceramic-organic nanocomposites
Modeling Grain Boundary Mediated Plasticity with Massively Parallel Atomistic Simulations
Nanolayered metallic alloys for extreme applications
Novel interface-engineered nanolaminated Al-X / AlOH thin films for superior mechanical properties and thermal stability
On the impact of individual grain boundaries in Cu on electrical conductivity and strength
Partially Active Grain-Boundary Segregation and Maximum Tensile Strengths in Nanocrystalline Silver-Copper Alloys
Phase field dislocation dynamics formulation coupled with Fourier-based micromechanics solver: Application to grain boundary-dislocation interactions.
Plasticity at the Crystalline Metal/Amorphous Oxide Interface in Al/Al2O3 Nanolaminates
Quantifying superlubricity of heterostrained bilayer graphene from the mobility of interface dislocations
Scale bridging characterization of grain boundary engineered thermoelectric materials
Simulating Plastic Flow in Bicrystals with a Discrete Dislocation Dynamics Framework
Studies of Metal-Ceramic Nanolaminates with Laser-Induced Microprojectile Impact
Studying Grain Boundary Regions in Polycrystalline Tantalum using Spherical Nano-indentation
Superelastic Dissipation of Energy in Monazite Ceramics from Twin Boundary Interfaces
Tensile failure of epitaxial TiN/Cu/TiN sandwich pillar structures
The effect of interface curvature on the distribution of radiation-induced voids
The enigma of solute effect on strength of metal alloys at the nanoscale
The impact of nanoscale additive manufacturing on interfaces and their mechanical contributions in nanocrystalline and nanophase-segregated materials
The interplay between interfaces and plastic deformation in nanoscale materials
The role of interface strength and plastic anisotropy on the deformation behavior of Fe-Al and Ti-Al nanolaminates
Thermo-mechanical molding of high-entropy alloy nanowires via interface diffusion
Thin film adhesion measurement with micro-scale bulge tester
Ultra-high Strength, Deformable Nanocrystalline Al-Pd Alloys
Ultrahigh strength in Al-AlxGey eutectics
Understanding deformation mechanisms in the grain boundary weakening regime of nanocrystalline Ni-W alloys
Understanding grain boundary-dislocation interactions in MoNbTi and their role mediating low temperature ductility
Understanding the Relationship between Grain-Boundary Segregation and Mechanical Properties using Interfacial Phase Diagrams
Unveiling size-dependent strength in noble metal nanoparticles: A comparative study of Pt, Au, and Ag.
Variation in Oxide Dispersion Strengthening Due to Interfacial Structure
Viscoelastic and adhesion characterization of polymer blend nanocomposite thin films

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