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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T25: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Nanotechnology for Energy, Environment, Electronics, Healthcare and Industry
Sponsorship ACerS Other
Organizer(s) Navin Manjooran, Solve
Gary R. Pickrell, Virginia Tech
Scope Nanotechnology has tremendous potential to transform the way we live, work and play. The benefits can range from higher system properties and energy efficiency, to innovative healthcare solutions, to advanced industry products and solutions. This session will have three sub-sections addressing each of the key business drivers in nanotechnology, namely, energy, environment, electronics, healthcare and industry. This symposium will provide researchers worldwide the platform and the opportunity to discuss applications-based research in these key areas of interest. ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT: This session will highlight the applications-based research of nanotechnology in energy, including those enabling greater cost- and energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly systems. Selected topics of interest will be, but are not limited to: (1) nanotechnologies for cleaner and greener environments including aspects of nanotechnologies for carbon capture and sequestration (2) nanotechnology-based sensors, catalysts and devices (3) nanotechnologies for energy harvesting (4) nanomaterials for other innovative energy applications. ELECTRONICS & HEALTHCARE: This session will highlight the applications based research of nanotechnology in electronics and healthcare, including those enabling advancement in healthcare solutions. Selected topics of interest will be, but are not limited to: (1) intelligent delivery systems, nanomedicine, genetherapy (2) medical diagnostics, nano sensors and advanced imaging systems and Tools (3) nano-bio systems, nano-bio robotics (4) health effects of nanotechnology (5) nano-based surface modifications for biofunctionality and/or biocompatibility (6) other nanotechnology-based healthcare and electronics innovations. INDUSTRY: This session will highlight the applications based research of nanotechnology, including those enabling an innovative industry solution. Selected topics of interest will be, but are not limited to: (1) nanopowders and/or composites fabrication and characterization (2) smart coating systems, surface treatments (3) advanced manufacturing technologies (4) smart water technologies including waste water treatment (5) innovative nanosolutions for harsh environments (6) innovative commercial products.
Abstracts Due 05/01/2025
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