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Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Aluminum Alloys: Development and Manufacturing Supplier Forum
Organizer(s) Roberto Seno, Cba - Companhia Brasileira De Aluminio
Scope This session will provide an opportunity for Equipment Suppliers to present their current technologies and offerings, with a focus on recent innovations related to Aluminum Alloys; Development and Manufacturing. Areas covered will include all aspects of the necessary equipment for physical and mechanical metallurgy of aluminum alloys development and manufacturing, as well as analytical equipment for product development, testing and characterization of aluminum alloys for their implementation and end-use applications. This will include equipment for application in transportation (automotive, aerospace, and marine), packaging, and equipment for other key product segments.

This call for presentations is addressed to suppliers of production and analytical equipment, managers, supervisors, technical personnel, and others involved in aluminum alloy development and manufacturing sector. While published manuscripts will not be required, Power Point presentations will be required to be shared.

Abstracts Due 07/01/2025
Proceedings Plan Undecided
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