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Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Phase Stability in Extreme Environments III
Organizer(s) Andrew K. Hoffman, Catalyst Science Solutions
David Poerschke, University of Minnesota
Benjamin Adam, Oregon State University
Mengying Liu, Washington and Lee University
Janelle P. Wharry, University of Illinois
Jijo Christudasjustus, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Venkata Bhuvaneswari Vukkum, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Scope Materials development for extreme environments including high temperature turbines and nuclear reactors involves the development of alloys which are resilient against a variety of degradation mechanisms. These degradation mechanisms include oxidation/corrosion, hydrogen embrittlement, precipitation hardening or instabilities, phase decomposition, fatigue, and wear. Traditional structural alloys such as austenitic steels and Ni superalloys, as well as new material systems such as multicomponent alloys or multiple principal element alloys can all suffer from a variety of phase instabilities that are likely to impact long term performance. Understanding material stability in these extreme environments is paramount to enhancing the lifetime of key components.

The purpose of this symposium is to create a forum where researchers from across academia, national laboratories, and industry can share insights on recent advancements and the practical impact of phase stability on the performance of alloy systems. This includes current materials for applications such as light water reactors and power/aviation turbine systems as well as future applications such as fusion reactors and hydrogen power systems. A variety of perspectives from modeling and simulation to predict behavior and lab scale testing to failure analysis of field components will help to create a fuller understanding of mechanisms and impact.

Experimental and/or theoretical studies are sought on topics including but not limited to:

-Phase separation or decomposition in extreme environments
-Radiation induced phase transformations
-Deformation induced phase transformations (e.g. deformation induced martensite)
-Long term thermal aging
-High temperature thermal cycling
-Impact of phase stability on hydrogen embrittlement
-Impact of phase stability on stress corrosion cracking

Abstracts Due 07/01/2025
Proceedings Plan Undecided
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