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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium High Performance Steels
Sponsorship TMS Structural Materials Division
TMS: Steels Committee
Organizer(s) Benjamin Adam, Oregon State University
C. Cem Tasan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Adriana Eres-Castellanos, Colorado School of Mines
Krista R. Limmer, Devcom Army Research Laboratory
Jonah Klemm-Toole, Colorado School of Mines
Pello Uranga, University of Navarra
Scope Steels have been and continue to be of fundamental importance for virtually all aspects of industry and manufacturing in our modern society. This technological importance motivates collaborative and multidisciplinary research between industry, academia, and national laboratories to continuously grow the fundamental understanding of steel behavior. While developing steels with better properties and performance to meet increasing engineering requirements, advancing sustainability of steel production, manufacturing and applications needs to remain a priority.

The High-Performance Steels Symposium focuses on novel developments in steel design and new insights into processing-microstructure-property relationships. Improved understanding of these relationships calls for the following approaches, including, but not limited to:

• Conventional static and dynamic mechanical tests (tensile, compression, hardness, Charpy, bending, etc.) as well as failure testing (fracture, fatigue)

• Advanced characterization techniques (HRTEM, APT, and ex/in-situ SEM/TEM/Synchrotron/neutron diffraction)

• Computational modeling efforts including physics-based or advanced data-science approaches such as ab-initio modeling, computational thermodynamics, discrete dislocation dynamics, crystal plasticity and Machine Learning (ML) methods, in the spirit of integrated computational materials engineering (ICME)

• Design of novel steel microstructures through computational or high-throughput experimental approaches, and their validation;

This symposium welcomes contributions in all of these directions and especially those that provide combinatorial approaches, providing a forum to discuss the future of high-performance and sustainable steel design.

Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Planned:

A Model Case for Liquid-Metal Embrittlement: Early Grain-Boundary Structure Evolution in a Binary Iron-Zinc System
A Phase-Field Modeling on API X60 Steel for Characterizing Pearlitic Phase Transformation With Experimental Validation
Achieving Exceptional Strength-Ductility Synergy in Cu-Bearing Steels via Nano-Sized Precipitates and Grain-Refinement
Application of Emerging EBSD Tools for Phase Detection in Martensitic Steels
Assessing the Variability in Mechanical Properties of a Martensitic Ultra-High Strength Steel for Performance Optimizations
Austenite Grain Growth in As-Cast Line Pipe Steels
Comparison of Cold-Forming 1500 MPa Ultra-High-Strength Steels for Automotive Applications
Data-Driven Prediction Model for Surface Hardness Distribution in Nitrided Steel
Designing Interlath Austenite as Hydrogen Traps in PH17-4 Stainless Steel
Duplex Ordering Makes a Strong and Ductile Lightweight Steel
Dynamic Interplay of Sub-Grain Coarsening and M23C6 Precipitate Growth: Implications on Creep Behavior in Ferritic Martensitic Steels
Effect of HIP and Annealing Conditions on Mechanical Properties of 15-5PH Stainless Steel
Engineering Yield Strength by Tailoring the Nano-Precipitation Sequence in Novel Mn-Stabilized Austenitic Steel
Evaluation of Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior and Dislocation Density of 1.6 wt. % High Carbon Steel During Hot Deformation
Genetic Design of Cu Nanoprecipitation Hardened Marageing Steels for Additive Manufacturing
High-Temperature Physical Performance Testing of 20CrMnTi Billet and Simulation Application in the Continuous Casting Process
High Temperature Nitriding Behavior of Low Carbon Low Alloy Steel
Hot Deformation Behavior and Inclusions Effect During Hot Deformation of Mischmetals Treated Low Carbon Aluminum Killed Steel
Impact of Copper Additions on Phase Transformations and Mechanical Properties of High-Strength Steels Alloyed With Nickel and Molybdenum
Improving Strength and Ductility Combination of Laser Powder Bed Fused TRIP-Assisted Steels
Influence of Chemical Composition on the Fracture Behavior of Advanced High Strength Steels
Influence of Low Temperature Treatments on Mechanical Behavior of a Press Hardened 22MnB5 Steel Grade
Influence of Microalloyed Steel Slab Reheating Conditions on the Evolution of Austenite Structure
Investigating Hydrogen Embrittlement in Metallic Alloys Through Ab-Initio and Atomistic Modelling
Manufacturing of Advanced High Strength High Mn Steel
Microstructure-Correlated Strain Maps of ‘1D’, ’2D, & ‘3D’ Tests Reveal Strong Lath Martensite Plastic Anisotropy in DP Steel
Modularised Multiscale and Multiphysics Material Modeling Platform for Assessing Hydrogen-Material Interactions: Applications on Steel Components of the Hydrogen Storage and Transport Sector
Multi-Phase Field Modelling for Austenite Conditioning and Bainite Transformation
Nanoindentation and Machine Learning, it’s all About the Features!
Nanomechanical Response of Rolled Homogenous Armor (RHA) Steel
New Insight of Hole Expansion Ratio in Advanced High Strength Steels
Numerical Study on the Flow and Degassing Behavior of High Performance Steel in Vacuum Tank Degasser
On the Effect of Carbide Decomposition on the Wear Resistance of Ultra-High Strength Steels
Optimizing Transformation-Induced Plasticity to Resist Microvoid Softening
Physics-Coupled Data-Driven Design of Advanced Alumina-Forming Austenitic Stainless Steel
Powder Metallurgy Processing of a Highly Wear Resistant Nanostructured Bainitic Steel
Retained Austenite Stability in Bearing Steels
Strong and Tough Steels Through Energy-Efficient Quench and Partitioning (Q&P) Technology
Structure-Property Relationships in Hybrid Additively Manufactured Stainless Steel 316L
Study on the Control of Impurity Elements and the Evolution Mechanism of Inclusions in Ultra-Low Sulfur 310S Stainless Steel
The Contribution of APT to Computational Materials Design Framework for Precipitation-Engineered High-Performance Martensitic Steels
The Effect of Prior Austenite Grain Size on Rate of Temper Embrittlement in Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum Steels
The Influence of Molybdenum Additions on the Mechanical and Microstructural Properties of Medium-Mn Steels
Tribological Performance of Lightweight Steel Alloys in Rolling-Sliding Contact

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