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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T24: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Additive Manufacturing: Equipment, Instrumentation and In-Situ Process Monitoring
Sponsorship TMS: Additive Manufacturing Committee
Organizer(s) Joy Gockel, Colorado School of Mines
Sneha Prabha Narra, Carnegie Mellon University
Samantha Webster, Nist - Gaithersburg
Ola L. Harrysson, North Carolina State University
Ulf R. Ackelid, Freemelt AB
Scope The purpose of this symposium is to review and discuss various aspects of equipment, instrumentation, and measurement technology used for Additive Manufacturing (AM), from R&D to production applications. We welcome research exploring both existing solutions on commercial AM systems, as well as new innovative technologies which are still at a laboratory stage.

Suitable topics for this symposium include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. New methods, technologies, concepts and equipment for AM, such as:

a. feedstock distribution
b. methods for consolidation
c. beam scanning algorithms
d. improvements of lasers, electron guns, print heads, etc.
e. build chamber environment
f. methods for improved process stability and repeatability

2. Innovative development of auxiliary instrumentation and methods intended for AM In-situ process monitoring and control methods, such as:

a. Monitoring of feedstock deposition quality
b. In-process defect repair
c. Thermal monitoring and mapping
d. Real-time melt pool characterization
e. Evaporation loss measurement
f. Monitoring of vacuum quality, process gas purity, and gas flow pattern
g. High-speed imaging of fast processes such as powder distribution, melt pool dynamics, spattering, and electrostatic levitation
h. Machine health monitoring
i. Detection of acoustic signals, optical emission, X-rays, backscatter electrons.

3. Relationships of machine technology and instrumentation equipment from (1.) and (2.) to processing outcomes, such as:

a. Detection of porosity and other defects
b. Prediction of microstructural features and properties
c. Monitoring of dimensional accuracy (XY) and surface topography (Z)
d. Data analysis including AI and ML techniques

Abstracts covering additive manufacturing research and standards development will also be welcomed.

Abstracts Due 05/15/2024

A-9: Investigation of Gradient Alloy Composition Measurement with LIBS: Towards In Situ Composition Monitoring in Additive Manufacturing
A Low-Cost Laser Beam Profile Measurement Technique for High-Power Lasers Used in Metal Manufacturing Processes
Advancements in Microstructure Control in Additive Manufacturing through Operando X-Ray Studies
Analysis of Thermal Profile in Continuous Casting Guide Rolls during Laser Cladding under Different Operating Conditions
E-beam Spot Melt Process Mapping via High-Speed Two-Color Thermal Imaging
Effect of In-Situ Heating and Post-Processing on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of IN718 Produced by LPBF
Electron Optical Imaging: A Versatile Process Monitoring Tool in Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion
Fringe Projection In Situ Monitoring of L-PBF Process for Evaluating Part Health
High-Speed Spectral Sensing for Real-Time AM Process Monitoring and Control
Leveraging High-Throughput X-Ray Imaging for a Deeper Understanding of Powder Bed Fusion and in a Adaptive Laser Power Control Methodology
Mechanistic Investigation of Powder Catchment Efficiency Through In-situ Monitoring in Laser Directed Energy Deposition
Melt Pool Thermal Imaging on Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing Using the Two-Color Method with a Commercial Color Camera
Phase and Stress Manipulation via Operando Multispectral Infrared, Digital Image Correlation, and Neutron Diffraction
Process Informed Surface Topography Measurements for Thermal-Based Over Melting Prediction
Semantic Segmentation and Spreading Anomaly Identification of Binder Jet In-Situ Images
Using Photothermal Radiometry and Lock-In Thermography to Rapidly Screening Thermal Property and Characterizing Microstructure of Advanced and Additive Manufacturing Components

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