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Meeting MS&T25: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Additive Manufacturing of Polymeric-based Materials: Potentials and Challenges
Organizer(s) Matthew Caputo, Penn State Shenango
Ola H. Rashwan, Pennsylvania State University- Harrisburg
Daudi R. Waryoba, Pennsylvania State University
Jason Walker, The Ohio State University
Scope Polymers and Polymer composites have myriads of applications in automotive, aerospace, marine, and medical industries due to their lightweight, low cost, versatility, and relatively low manufacturing temperature. Additive Manufacturing (AM) is considered the new industrial revelation. It allows design complexity, customization, parts consolidation, and lighter weight through topology optimization. Currently, polymers and polymer composites in different forms (filament, powder, and resin) are used extensively in different AM technologies, such as Material Extrusion system (i.e. FDM), Powdered Bed Fusion (i.e. SLS), Vat Photo-polymerization (i.e. SLA, DLP), Material Jetting, and Binder jetting, and Sheet Lamination (i.e. LOM). However, there are many challenges that still need to be addressed to allow further expansion for the use of polymeric-based materials in different applications and industries. Some of these challenges are material strength, material shrinkage, anisotropic properties, surface finish, and post-processing.

This symposium will focus on the advances in polymers and polymer composites that are used in any of the additive manufacturing technologies. The topics include but are not limited to:

1. Novel approaches (technologies) of additive manufacturing for polymeric–based materials and additive manufacturing of functionally graded Polymeric based materials.
2. Modeling and simulations of additive manufacturing of Polymeric-based materials.
3. Characterization of 3D printed polymeric-based materials and investigation of the current technologies–structure-properties relations.
4. Novel solutions that mitigate the current challenges of using Polymeric-based materials in different AM technologies.

Abstracts Due 05/01/2025
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