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Meeting MS&T25: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advancements in Molten Salt/Metal Technology in Energy Applications: From Atoms to Plants
Organizer(s) Tae-sic Yoo, Idaho National Lab
Ruchi Gakhar, Idaho National Laboratory
Rocio Rodriguez-Laguna, Idaho National Laboratory
Michael Simpson, University of Utah
Hojong Kim, Penn State Unversity
Scope Molten salt and metal technologies are attracting significant attention due to their extensive applications in energy storage, transfer, nuclear reactors, and nuclear fuel processing. This symposium aims to unite researchers, engineers, and industry professionals to discuss the latest advancements and future directions in these fields. Emphasis will be placed on fundamental measurements and modeling, application domains, and instrumentation development. Each session is structured to facilitate learning and input exchange among participants and presenters. Bridging the gap between researchers focused on fundamental aspects and practitioners is essential for advancing the community with mutual understanding and rationale. Two sessions are proposed.

Session 1: Fundamentals, Measurements, and Instrumentation
Overview: These sessions delve into foundational aspects and instrumentation crucial for understanding and advancing molten salt and metal technology in energy applications.

Key Topics:
Thermophysical Properties and Sensor Technologies: Techniques for viscosity, density, and thermal conductivity measurement. Effects of impurities and composition on properties. Development of high-temperature sensors for molten salts and metals. Durability and accuracy of sensor materials.

Chemical Interactions and Real-time Monitoring Systems: Corrosion mechanisms and material compatibility in molten salt and metal environments. Implementation of real-time monitoring systems in industrial settings. Data acquisition, analysis, and process optimization.

Modelling Approaches and Analytical Methods: Molecular dynamics simulations for understanding behavior. Thermodynamic modeling for phase behavior and reaction kinetics. Advances in spectroscopy, electrochemical analysis, and in-situ measurement techniques.

Session 2: Application Domains
Overview: Highlighting diverse applications in energy storage, nuclear reactors, and fuel processing, focusing on recent advancements and ongoing research.

Key Topics
Energy Storage: Molten salt and metal-based systems for thermal energy storage and integration with renewables.

Nuclear Reactors: Design considerations for molten salt reactors (MSRs).

Spent Fuel Processing: Techniques for efficient nuclear fuel reprocessing using molten salts and metals.

Abstracts Due 05/01/2025
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