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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Alloys and Compounds for Thermoelectric and Solar Cell Applications XIII
Sponsorship TMS Functional Materials Division
TMS: Alloy Phases Committee
Organizer(s) Hsin-Jay Wu, National Taiwan University
Sinn-wen Chen, National Tsing Hua University
Franck Gascoin, CNRS Crismat Unicaen
Philippe Jund, Montpellier University
Yoshisato Kimura, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Takao Mori, National Institute for Materials Science
Wan-Ting Chiu, Institute Of Science Tokyo
Chenguang Fu, Zhejiang University
Scope This symposium focuses on the synthesis, transport properties, phase stability, and phase transformation of alloys and compounds utilized in thermoelectric and solar cell devices. Materials of interest extend beyond skutterudites, superlattices, half-Heusler alloys, CdTe, CIS, CIGS, CZTS, to new materials for thermoelectric and solar cell applications.
Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Planned:

A Study of Interfacial Reaction of Ni(P)/SnS Couples
Accelerating the Search of New Photovoltaic and Opto-Electronic Materials Using High-Throughput Computational Screening
Advanced Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Thermoelectric Device
Binder Jetting as an Alternative Method of Advanced Manufacturing for Bulk Thermoelectric Materials For Radioisotope Power Systems
Bismuth Telluride: Performant Se Free n-Type
Calcium-Manganate Oxides for Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting: Charge and Heat Transport Mechanisms
Carbogel Based Vacuum Insulation Panels for Large Scale Thermoelectric Application
Cation Disorder as an Effective Strategy for Improving Near Room-Temperature Performance of SnSe
Co-Based Diffusion Barrier for n- and p-Type Skutterudite-Based Thermoelectric Materials Obtained via Pulse Plasma Sintering
Controlling Defects in Epitaxial Thin Film Growth of Mg2Sn1-xGex for Thermoelectric Device Applications
Conversion Efficiency in Silver Chalcogenide Materials Showing Enhanced Structural Stability
Decoupling of Electrical and Thermal Transport in CoSb3 Skutterudites by Compositing Effect
Developing Data-Driven Design Rules for Thermoelectric Performance of Zintl Phases
Development of Ag-to-Ag Bonding Technique for Middle-High Thermoelectric Module
Development of Medium and High-Entropy Diffusion Barrier for GeTe-Based Thermoelectric Module
Development of Thin-Film Diffusion Barrier for AgSbTe2 Single Leg Thermoelectric Device
Development of Various Forms of Thermoelectric Devices with Novel Materials
Disordered Thermoelectric Materials, the Examples of Misfit Layered Sulfides and Zinc-Blende Phosphides
Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance and Joint Stability of n-Type PbTe Through Mn and Cu Codoping
Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance of n-Type PbTe
Enhancing Room-Temperature Thermoelectric Performance of SnSe through Multi-Cation Doping
Enhancing Stability and Performance of GeTe Thermoelectric Materials
Enhancing the Stability and Efficiency of Environmental-friendly Phonon-Glass Electron-Crystal Thermoelectric Materials
Enhancing Thermoelectric Performance of Ta, Sb Added NbCoSn Half-Heusler with the Atomic-Scale Microstructure Analysis
Enhancing Thermoelectric Performance of p-Type Bi2Te3 via Light-Doping and Defect Engineering
Exploration of Novel Thermoelectric Materials and Devices via Informatics Approaches
Exploring Structures and Dynamics of Materials with Mobile Atoms Using Machine-Learning Interatomic Potentials
Exploring the Pseudo-Hollandite Family of Compounds for High Temperature Thermoelectric Applications
Geometric Design and 3D Printing of Thermoelectric Materials and Devices
High-Temperature Elastic Moduli: A Tool for Understanding Chemical Bonding In Thermoelectric Materials
Hybridization of Bi2Te3 with Self-Healing Ni-bpyPTD for Advanced Thermoelectric Device
Influence of SnTe Stoichiometry on Thermoelectric Performance
Investigation of Instability Mechanism in Mg3(Sb, Bi)2-Based Materials for Thermoelectric Applications
Investigation of Martensite Variant Reorientation Behaviors of the Ni-Mn-Ga Particles Composite Materials
Leveraging Machine Learning to Enhance the Performance of Filled Skutterudites Through Composition Optimization
Miscibility Gaps in the Ag-Cu-Se-Te Quaternary System
Modulation of Crystal Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of Medium-Entropy GeTe-Based Compounds with Sb and Se Alloying
Monte Carlo Simulation of Transient and Steady-State Electron Gas Thermodynamic Cycle
New Angles to Thermoelectric Applications?
New Efficient Half-Heusler Compositions from Machine Learning, DFT Calculations and Experiments
Novel Elaboration Route for Thermoelectric Legs Shaping: The Case of p-Type Higher Manganese Silicide and the Impact of the Geometry
Off-Stoichiometry: A Tool to Enhance the Thermoelectric Performance of Heusler Compounds
Optimizing ZT and Conversion Efficiency of p-Type Bi2Te3 via Light-Doping and Defect Engineering
Phase Equilibria of Co-Ge-Sb System
Phonon-Drag-Driven Thermopower Enhancement in Oxide Thin-Film Heterostructure
Progress in Doping Mg3Sb2 for P-Type Zintl Thermoelectrics
Resonant Scattering in Metallic and Semiconducting Thermoelectrics: Similarities and Differences
Simulations of Flexible Thermoelectric Coolers (f-TECs) for Enhanced Cooling Performance and Temperature Control
Size-Dependent Magnon Thermal Transport in a Nanostructured Quantum Magnet
Stoichiometric Effect of SnTe on Thermoelectric Property
Study of the Thermoelectric Properties of MnFe2O4 Thin Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition
Thermoelectric Power Generation Module Made of Emerging Materials
Thermoelectric Properties of Melt-Spun Assisted Microstructural Engineering of Higher Manganese Silicide
Tuning Conduction Behavior in Valence-Balanced Half-Heusler Alloys Through Synthesis Conditions
Turning Up the Heat: Designing New Zintl Phases for Thermoelectrics
Unexpected Interfacial Reactions in Co/Bi₂Te₃ and Co/GeTe Couples
Using AI to Predict the Thermoelectric Performance of New Materials
Visualizing Vacancy Annihilation in CZTSe Solar Cells by Hydrogen-Assisted Selenization with In Situ/Operando X-ray Nanoprobe Studies
Weak Bonding and Lattice Vibrations: Two Ingredients for Low Thermal Conductivity in Thermoelectric Sulfides, Chalcohalides and Halides
Whisker Inhibition and Thermoelectric Properties Enhancement in Silver Chalcogenide Materials

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