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Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Characterization of Minerals, Metals and Materials 2026
Organizer(s) Kelvin Yu Xuan Xie, Texas A&M University
Zhiwei Peng, Central South University
Mingming Zhang, Baowu Ouyeel Co. Ltd
Jian Li, CanmetMATERIALS
Bowen Li, Michigan Technological University
Sergio Neves Monteiro, Instituto Militar de Engenharia
Rajiv S. Soman, AnalytiChem Group, USA
Jiann-Yang Hwang, Michigan Technological University
Yunus Kalay, Middle East Technical University
Juan P. Escobedo-Diaz, University of New South Wales
John S. Carpenter, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Andrew D. Brown, Devcom Arl Army Research Office
Shadia Jamil Ikhmayies, The University of Jordan
Scope The symposium focuses on the advancements of characterization of the minerals, metals, and materials and the applications of characterization results on the processing of these materials. Subjects include, but not limited to, extraction & processing of various types of minerals, process-structure-property relationship of metal alloys, glasses, ceramics, polymers, composites, semiconductors and carbon using as functional and structural materials. Advanced and multiscale in situ characterization methods, techniques, and new instruments are emphasized.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

• Novel methods and techniques for characterizing materials across a spectrum of systems and processes.

• Characterization of mechanical, thermal, electrical, optical, dielectric, magnetic, physical, and other properties of metals, polymers, ceramics including battery materials.

• Characterization of structural, morphological, and topographical natures of materials at macro-, micro- and nanoscales.

• Characterization of extraction and processing including process development and analysis.

• Advances in instrument developments for microstructure analysis and performance evaluation of materials, such as computer tomography (CT), X-ray and neutron diffraction, electron microscopy (SEM, FIB, and TEM etc.), spectroscopy (EDS, WDS, EBSD) techniques, etc.

• 2D and 3D modelling for materials characterization.

Symposium Dynamics: This symposium encourages, but does not require, accompanying proceedings papers for each oral presentation. Awards will be presented for individuals who provide the best combination of oral presentation and written proceedings paper. In addition, a poster session will be organized at this symposium with awards for best posters.

Abstracts Due 07/01/2025
Proceedings Plan Planned: Stand-alone book in which only your symposium’s papers would appear
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