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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T25: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Phase Transformations in Ceramics: Science and Applications
Sponsorship ACerS Basic Science Division
Organizer(s) Scott J. Mccormack, University of California, Davis
Theresa Davey, Bangor University
Waltraud M. Kriven, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Pankaj Sarin, Oklahoma State University
Sanjay V. Khare, University of Toledo
Scope The study of phase transformations in ceramics is an extremely important topic in the development of new materials. Engineering phase transformations may lead to new material behavior and properties, or new synthesis and processing schemes. In other cases phase transformations are undesirable and one seeks kinetic or thermodynamic methods of suppression.

This symposium will focus on phase transformations in ceramics and other inorganic materials spanning the thermodynamic, kinetic, and mechanistic aspects, as well as new or potential applications. All aspects of study - experimental, computational and theoretical, will be addressed. It will also address relevant issues in minerals and glasses. Session topics will cover homogeneous transformations; nucleation and growth processes; kinetics; diffusion-controlled versus diffusion-less transformations; critical particle size effects, pressure or irradiation induced transformations, martensitic transformations; ferroic (ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, or ferroelastic) or multifunctional transformations. Topics focused on applications are welcome; e.g. in transformation toughening or weakening, actuators, shape memory ceramics, smart or intelligent material systems.

The symposium will be broadly divided into sessions on (1) fundamentals, (2) properties and behavior, (3) characterization, and (4) applications. Theory and modeling will be incorporated within the various sessions as appropriate.

Abstracts Due 05/01/2025
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