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Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advancing the Frontier of Powder Materials Processing and Sintering: A Symposium in Honor of Prof. Eugene Olevsky
Organizer(s) Elisa Torresani, San Diego State University
Kathy Lu, University of Alabama Birmingham
Diletta Giuntini, Eindhoven University of Technology
Paul D. Prichard, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Charles Maniere, CNRS
Bowen Li, Michigan Technological University
Wenwu Xu, San Diego State University
Scope This symposium is to celebrate Professor Eugene Olevsky's remarkable contributions to the fields of materials science and the mechanics of powder and porous material processing. His pioneering work in sintering, particularly his continuum theory of sintering, has significantly advanced our ability to predict the shrinkage and deformation of porous materials during essential powder processing techniques. Professor Olevsky's innovative research and unwavering commitment to mentoring future scientists have made a lasting impact, inspiring both students and colleagues alike.

This symposium will cover powder material issues related to fundamental and applied sciences in synthesis, processing, properties, and characterization from experimental, computation, and data science approaches. It will consider all aspects of powder material processing and property studies, which includes powder synthesis, forming (including additive manufacturing), sintering, and property evaluation. Powder materials that can deliver outstanding harsh environment properties are especially of high interest. The symposium covers advances in theory, modeling, computation, data informatics while in parallel welcoming cutting-edge experimental techniques and approaches to understand and characterize powder materials in demanding conditions.
Key topics to be explored at the symposium include, but are not limited to:

- Densification of powders through sintering
- Powder material processing-structure-properties-performance relations
- Additive powder material manufacturing
- Advanced powder material analysis and characterization
- Powder materials under extreme conditions
- Computational modeling for powder materials
- Data science applications in powder materials
- Development of novel materials and microstructures via powder processing
- Advances in sintering technology
- Education and training in sintering and powder materials

Abstracts Due 07/01/2025
Proceedings Plan Planned: Stand-alone book in which only your symposium’s papers would appear
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