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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advances in Biomaterials for 3D Printing of Scaffolds and Tissues
Sponsorship TMS Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division
TMS: Biomaterials Committee
Organizer(s) Changxue Xu, Texas Tech University
Jun Yin, Zhejiang University
Zhengyi Zhang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Yifei Jin, University of Nevada Reno
Heqi Xu, Texas Tech University
Scope Biomaterials have been widely utilized in a variety of biomedical applications, such as tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, biosensors and medical implants, due to their inherent physical and chemical properties including biocompatibility, tunable mechanical properties and biodegradability, and hierarchical internal structures. Additive manufacturing, based on layer-by-layer fabrication mechanism, possesses critical advantages in fabrication of 3D structures of biomaterials for various biomedical applications, including complex geometries, heterogeneity, porosities, and incorporation of different growth factors. Typical 3D printing techniques used for biomaterials include inkjet printing, microextrusion, laser-assisted printing, stereolithography, to name a few. The most common biomaterials used in 3D printing are ceramics, polymers, and composites. The post-printing properties and microstructures are of great importance to the biomaterial functionality, such as mechanical properties, physical properties including swelling and degradation properties, pore size and porosity. The symposium shall focus on the recent advances in the biomaterials for 3D printing of scaffolds and tissues. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

• Design, fabrication and characterization of 3D tissue-engineered scaffolds
• Characterization of post-printing properties of biomaterials
• Modeling and simulation of biomaterial properties
• Fabrication of biomaterials-based heterogeneous structures
• Novel biomaterials and 3D printing techniques for scaffold fabrication
• Bioprinting of cellular structures and tissues
• Cell-biomaterial interaction
• Bioink rheological properties and printability
• Organ-on-chips

Abstracts Due 07/17/2022
Proceedings Plan Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume

Cell-Laden Bioink Circulation-Assisted Inkjet-Based Bioprinting to Mitigate Cell Sedimentation and Cell Aggregation
Development of Propolis Modified Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering
Effects of Corona Treatment on Cellular Attachment and Morphology on Polydimethylsiloxane Micropillar Substrates
Electrohydrodynamic 3D Printing of Aqueous Solutions
Fabrication of Hierarchically Porous 316L Stainless Steel Scaffolds by Freeze Casting and 3D-printed Sacrificial Templating Techniques
High Speed and High-Resolution 3D Printing of Self-healing and Ion-conductive Hydrogels via µCLIP
Investigation of Cell Sedimentation and Cell Aggregation during 3D Bioprinting
Investigation of Cellular Attachment and Morphology on a 3D-printed Curved Micropillar Substrate
K-4: 3D Printing in Thermosensitive Nanoclay-Pluronic F127 Nanocomposite
Processing and Properties of 3D Printed Bioabsorbable Polymer-Metal Composites (PLDL/Mg and PLDL/Zn) for Orthopaedic Applications
The Influence of Printing Orientation on the Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Parts by Stereolithography (SLA) Process

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