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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Aluminum Alloys: Development and Manufacturing
Sponsorship TMS Light Metals Division
TMS: Aluminum Committee
Organizer(s) Mihaiela Minea Isac, McGill Metals Processing Centre
Les C. Edwards, Rain Carbon Inc.
Scope The Aluminum Alloys: Development and Manufacturing Symposium is part of the Light Metals program. This is an excellent opportunity to interact with experts from the Light Metals industry and academia from all over the world and get the latest update on key issues in the industry. The symposium covers all aspects of the physical and mechanical metallurgy of aluminum alloys as well as processing methods (continuous casting is covered by Cast Shop Technology), product development, testing, and implementation of aluminum for end applications, including transportation (automotive, aerospace, and marine), packaging, and other key product segments. You are invited to submit papers of fundamental and applied research in the following subject areas:

- Alloy Development
- Microstructure Evolution and Characterization
- Defect Detection and Control
- Surface Modification and Control
- Mechanical Behavior
- Material and Process Modeling
- Processing Innovation
- Process Control and Measurements
- New Applications and Products

Note regarding publication: Authors seeking an oral presentation opportunity must submit a manuscript for the Light Metals proceedings or be accepted for publication in a TMS journal. Authors seeking a poster presentation are not required to publish a paper, which would be an exceptional case taken by the symposium chair.

Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Planned: Light Metals

3D Mathematical Modelling of Casting Thin Strips of Aluminum Alloys (AA6111, AA2024, AA5182, And AA7069) Using the Horizontal Belt Casting (HSBC) Process
A New Approach to the Design of Al Alloys with Low Cracking Susceptibility and High-Temperature Strength for Casting and Additive Manufacturing
A Study on New Precipitates in Al-Cu Alloys with La or Sr Additions Designed Using Machine Learning Based on OQMD
Advances in Al-Mg-Si Extrusions for Automotive Applications
Al-Ca Eutectic Alloy: A New Candidate for Heat-Resistant Aluminum Alloys
Al-Ce-Based Alloys: Processing, Mechanical Properties and High Temperature Stability
Al-Mg-Si Development Using Combinatorial Laser Directed Energy Deposition
Aluminum Alloy Development and Manufacturing Processes for Sustainable Transportation Applications
Applying Object Detection for In-Situ Predicition of the Internal Temperature Distribution of Inductively Heated Semi-Solid Metal Billets
Banded Microstructures: Development of Novel Structures Under Directional Solidification of Aluminum-Indium
Challenging the Hydrogen Embrittlement in Powertrain Aluminum Alloys
Characterization of the Mechanical Behavior of AA5052 Alloy
Computational Design of a Novel Recycled Aluminum Die Casting Alloy for Improved Thermal Conductivity
Controlling Precipitation in AlMgCu Alloys via Microalloying and Heat Treatment
Corrosion Resistance of an AlCeMg/Stainless-Steel Reactive Bond
Determination of Corrosion Properties of Anodized EN AW 1050 Aluminium Sheets with Different Anodizing Parameters
Development and Characterization of Microporous Al-Si-Zr Alloys with Enhanced Porosity for Filtration Applications
Development of Cold Cladding Process Technology for Aluminum Clad in Automotive Applications
Development of LiMCA (Liquid Metal Cleanliness Analyzer) Sensor: A Comprehensive Review
Development of Process Control for Ultrasonic Metal Welding of Aluminum Automotive Wires Based on Machine Learning
Dilute Eutectic Casting Aluminium (DECA) Alloys for Structural Shaped Castings
Effect of Fe on Al-Mn-Fe-Si Alloys Made by Laser Additive Manufacturing
Effect of Mg Content in a Flat-Rolled EN AW-AlSiMg(A) Aluminum Alloy Cast via Twin Roll Casting
Effect of Post-Annealing on Mechanical Properties and Microstructural Evolution of Ultrafine Grained Hypoeutectic Al-Si Conductor Wires
Effect of T6 Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of A356 Aluminum Alloy
Effect of Tungsten Content on the Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Expansion of Aluminum-Graphite Composites
Effect of Weld Microstructure on Solidification Cracking during Laser Welding of Extruded Al-Mg-Si Alloys
Effect of Zirconium on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laser Powder Bed Fused Eutectic Al-Ce Alloy
Effects of Cu on Microstructure of Al7SiMgFeMn-Based Thin-Wall High-Pressure Die Casting
Effects of Melt Conditioning and Filtration on Recycled Aluminum Ingots for Sheet
Elucidating Mechanisms of Thermal Stability and Performance Enhancement in Hypoeutectic Al-Si Alloys with Trace Transition Metal Additions
Enhancing Thermal Stability of Al-Mg-Si-Cu Alloys through Ag and Sc Additions
Evaluation of Hydrogen-Induced Pores in Ni–P-Plated Al–Zn–Mg Alloys Using Synchrotron X-Ray Computed Tomography and Hydrogen Analysis
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties with Less Proportions of Rare Earth Element Reinforced to AA 2024
Evolution of Microstructure Near Crack Tips in High-Strength Aluminum Alloy AA7075-T6 Sheet at 200 ºC
Experimental Characterization and Modeling of an AA6061 Al Alloy
Hypoeutectic Al-Ce-Ni Composite Alloy: The Interplay Between Varying Zr and Sub-Micron Alumina Reinforcement Particulates
In Situ DSC Investigation of Homogenization Conditions in EN AW-7075 Aluminum Alloy
In Situ Thermite Reactions: A Pathway to Enhanced Alumina Wettability in Aluminum Composites
Influence of Contamination and Passivation on the Ultrasonic Welding Performance of Aluminum Stranded Wires
Influence of Thermal-Rate Treatment on Precipitation Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Thermal-Rate Treated Al-10Si-0.35Mg Alloy
Influence on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Electrical Conductivity of the Addition of Rare Earth to Al-Si Alloys
Intermetallic Formation and Defects Control in Spray Forming AA7055 Alloy
Investigation of Fe-Rich Intermetallics, Solidification Porosities, and Cooling Dynamics in 6061 Aluminum Alloy by Multiscale Characterization, Synchrotron X-ray Tomography, and ICME Approaches
Investigation on Generation Mechanism of White Stripe Defects in Battery Aluminum Foils
Mechanical and Corrosion Testing of High Recycled Content Aluminum Automotive Body Sheet Alloys
Microstructure and Elevated Temperature Mechanical Properties of a Novel Heat-Resistant Al-6Cu-0.5Mn-2Ni-X Alloy
Microstructure and Texture Evolution of Continuous Casting 8021 Aluminum Alloy Sheets
Microstructure Characterizations and Electrical Conductivity of Aluminum Alloys by Heat Treatment Temperature
Mischmetal Composition Effects on Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Al-(Ce, La, Nd) Eutectic Alloys
Natural Aging Behavior of Al-Mg-Si Alloy Sheets Derived from 6xxx Series Aluminum Scrap for Automotive Applications
Numerical Simulation of Vertical Direct Chill Casting Using CFD Method
Optimization of RFI Performances in Large Furnaces through Mathematical Simulations
Precipitation and Its Thermal Stability in a Conventionally Non-Heat Treatable AA3xxx Aluminum Alloy
Predicting Yield Strength of Aluminum Alloys Based on Composition
Processing and Mechanical Properties of High-Entropy-Alloy Reinforced Al-Alloy
Processing of In Situ Al-TiC Nanocomposites for Improved Mechanical Properties
Progressive Dynamic Recrystallization (DRX) and Texture Behaviors of Al-7Mg Alloy During Hot Torsion
Rapid Investment Casting of Nano-treated Aluminum Alloy 7075 Turbines
Revealing New Insights into Aluminum Alloys Using Synchrotron X-Ray Imaging and Tomography
Rheological Behavior and Microstructural Evolution of AlMg5Si2Mn Alloy for Semi-Solid Casting
SALIENT Project - Optimizing Crash Performance of 6063 Aluminium Alloy for Sustainable Lightweight Vehicles
Simultaneously Improving Process Efficiency and Mechanical Properties in Aluminum Alloys with Applied Magnetic Fields
Solidification Processing by Low-Power Electric Current: Towards Phase Control In Aluminum Alloys
Structure and Mechanical Properties of Directionally Solidified Al-Si Alloys
Study of Microstructure, Thermal Conductivity And Forming Processes of the Al-xRE Based Alloys for Electric Motor Housing
Study on the Effect of Adding La on the Microstructure and Corrosion Characteristics of Al-Si-Cu Alloy
The Effects of V and Zr Additions on the Chemical and Mechanical Properties of Al-Zn-Mg Alloys
The Use of Artificial Intelligence When Planning the Composition and Production of Wrought Aluminum Alloys with a Majority Share of Post-Consumed Scrap
Towards Digital Twin Creation Workflow for Secondary Aluminum Alloy for Automotive Components
Towards the Design of Highly Heterogeneous Aluminum Alloys
Two-Chamber Hollow Profiles with Single-Sided Variations in Wall Thickness
Two-Phase Flow Simulation for Distinguishing Deformable Particles with a LiMCA System
Weld Quality Improvement Using Electrode Patterning in Resistance Spot Welding of Al6061 Alloy

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