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Meeting 2021 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Corrosion in Heavy Liquid Metals for Energy Systems
Sponsorship TMS Structural Materials Division
TMS: Corrosion and Environmental Effects Committee
TMS: Nuclear Materials Committee
Organizer(s) Osman Anderoglu, University of New Mexico
Alessandro Marino, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre
Michael Philip Short, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Peter Hosemann, University of California, Berkeley
Mike Ickes, Westinghouse Electric Company
Scope Heavy liquid metals (HLMs) such as molten Pb and lead bismuth eutectic (LBE) are being proposed as heat transport fluids in advanced nuclear and concentrated solar power systems due to their low vapor pressure, excellent thermophysical (high boiling point and thermal conductivity) and neutronic properties, and thermal energy storage potential. Furthermore, liquid metals such as Zn, Sn and its alloys are used in other industry applications such as automotive and next generation of semiconductors (e.g. extreme ultraviolet lithography).

Due to interest in this technology for a variety of industrial applications, a symposium on heavy liquid metals (HLMs) including Pb, Bi, Zn, Sn, Sb, LBE and their compatibility with structural or functional materials is proposed. While the main focus is on materials issues such as corrosion and liquid/solid metal embrittlement, it is also essential to cover technological aspects of the use of liquid metals including chemistry control methods, filtering, in situ characterization techniques, forced and natural convection methods, and flow rate measurements. Furthermore, we intend to provide a platform to highlight recent advances in electrochemical measurements in liquid metals such as Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) or similar techniques. Abstracts are solicited in the following topics:

- HLM compatibility with structural materials including corrosion, erosion, and embrittlement
- Solidification of HLM materials
- Active HLM chemistry control and measurement techniques
- Advanced numerical techniques for modeling coolant chemistry in liquid metals
- Innovative instrumentation including flow rate and temperature measurements
- In situ characterization including mechanical properties, corrosion, electrochemical methods, and spectroscopy methods
- Integrated HLM experimentation including simultaneous effects of temperature, flow, impurities, radiation, and/or strain of materials exposed to HLMs
- Radioisotope retention in molten Pb/LBE
- HLM compatibility with non-metals (e.g. nuclear fuel, MAX phase materials, CerMets)
- Joining and welding of components exposed to HLMs

Abstracts Due 07/20/2020
Proceedings Plan Planned:

Anubis Multiphysics: A Neutronics-Thermal Hydraulics Coupling Platform for Flow Accelerated Corrosion Modeling in Reactor Conditions
Behaviour of Spallation, Activation and Fission Products in LBE
Compatibility of Alumina-forming Austenitic Steels in Static and Flowing Pb
Corrosion Behaviour and Microstructural Stability of Alumina-forming Austenitic Steels Exposed to Oxygen-containing Molten Lead
Corrosion Investigations of Materials in Antimony-tin and Antimony-bismuth Alloys For Liquid Metal Batteries
Corrosion of Refractory Metals and Advanced Steels in Lead-bismuth Eutectic
Electromagnetic Flow Sensor for Heavy Liquid Metals for Energy Systems
Engineering Model of the Kinetics of the Steel Oxide Layer in a Flow of a Heavy Liquid Metal Coolant Under Various Oxygen Conditions
Exposure Tests of Different Materials in Liquid Lead for LFRs: Effect of the Dissolved Oxygen on Corrosion
Fundamental Interactions of Steels and Nickel-based Alloys with Lead-based Liquid Alloys or Liquid Tin
Investigation on the Evaporation Rate of Liquid Lead and Radioisotope Retention Capability of Molten Lead as Coolant
Lead Bismuth Eutectic Corrosion on Austenitic Stainless Steel
Liquid Metal Embrittlement of Al-containing High-entropy Alloys Exposed to Lead-bismuth Eutectic
Material Needs and Developments for the Westinghouse Lead Fast Reactor
Materials Compatibility Testing with Molten Lead up to 700°C
Numerical Modelling of Coolant Chemistry in Lead Bismuth Eutectic Cooled Nuclear Reactors
Performance of Candidate Alloys at 500°C in Flowing Lead
PILLAR: Pool-type Integral Leading Facility for Lead-alloy Cooled Advanced Small Modular Reactor, and Its Use for Natural Convection Study and Corrosion
Preliminary Results on the Compatibility of Fe-Cr-Al and Fe-Cr-Al-Mo Steels with Liquid Sodium at 700 °C.
Progress in LBE Chemistry Control and Measurement Techniques for MYRRHA
Review of Liquid Metal Corrosion Under Irradiation and Progress Report on the LBE-Irradiation-Corrosion Experiment (ICE)

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