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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T25: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Energy Materials for Sustainable Development
Sponsorship ACerS Energy Materials and Systems Division
Organizer(s) Jianhua Tong, Clemson University
Sepideh Akhbarifar, Catholic University of America -Vitreous State Lab
Yang Bai, University of Oulu
Eva Hemmer, University of Ottawa
Charmayne E. Lonergan, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Scope Affordable, reliable and clean energy sources are essential for the sustainable development of modern societies. Advancements in clean energy technologies and infrastructures are needed, including renewable energy, energy efficiency, cleaner fossil-fuel technology, and a cleaner and stronger power grid to serve the needs of the decades to come. These energy services rely on developing advanced materials for energy storage, conversion, harvesting, transmission, and utilization, as well as their integration into complex systems.

The focus of this symposium is to convene leading global experts to engage in ceramic technology-centered dialogues to address critical issues in the design, understanding and development of energy materials and their applications for sustainable development. Researchers/scientists in energy materials and related fields are invited to participate in this symposium. This symposium is sponsored by the ACerS Energy Materials & Systems Division.

Abstracts are solicited in (but not limited to) the following topics:
• Materials for energy harvesting (perovskite-based photovoltaics, wind turbines, thermoelectric, piezoelectric, electrostrictive, electrets, triboelectric, thermomagnetic, …)
• Materials for energy storage (solid-state ionics, all kinds of batteries, supercapacitors, …)
• Materials for energy conversion (fuel cells, electrolyzer cells, membrane reactors, downconverters, upconverters, triplet annihilation…)
• Materials for solar to fuels conversion (photocatalysts, photoelectrochemical devices, combined photovoltaic and electrocatalysts, …)
• Materials for energy transmission (superconductors in the power grid, …)
• Materials for smart energy systems (smart grid, smart metering, smart sensors, smart homes, smart cities)
• Energy-efficient power electronics
• Transparent and translucent ceramics for energy applications
• Advanced manufacturing of functional materials or composites for energy applications (3D printing, …)

Abstracts Due 05/01/2025
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