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Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Innovative Strategies for Repurposing Mine Waste: Pathways to Energy Mineral and Rare Earth Element Extraction
Organizer(s) Olumide Ogunmodimu, Pennsylvania State University
Thandazile Moyo, Pennsylvania State University
Margreth Tadie, Stellenbosch University
Mehdi Safari, Mintek
Scope This symposium will explore innovative research and technological advancements in recovering critical metals from mine waste and repurposing the resultant secondary waste, emphasizing their essential role in national security, economic stability, and resource resilience. The discussions will address global challenges in resource sustainability, environmental impact reduction, and securing a reliable supply of materials critical to defense systems, infrastructure, and advanced technologies.

Proposed topics include:
- Applications of geometallurgy in valuing and processing mine waste
- Characterization of Mine Waste for Resource Recovery
- Hybrid flowsheet development for complex tailing materials
- Coarse and fine flotation flowsheet to recover energy minerals from tailings
- Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Extraction Technologies
- Innovations in hydrometallurgical extraction focused on secondary materials
- Computational and Modeling Approaches for Process Optimization
- Advances in Mechanical Activation for Enhanced Reactivity

Potential outcomes
- Research collaboration
- Technological innovations
- Cross-disciplinary engagement

Abstracts Due 07/01/2025
Proceedings Plan Planned: TMS Journal: Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy
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