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Meeting 2024 AWS Poster Session
Symposium 3- Students in Two-Year College or Certificate Programs
Organizer(s) Thomas J. Lienert, T.J. Lienert Consulting, LLC.
Gentry Wood, Apollo-Clad Laser Cladding
Yiyu Wang, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Scope The AWS Poster Competition is a key component of the AWS Professional Program. Visual displays of technical or business projects are welcome for inclusion in the competition. Authors are also invited to submit a video (~ 3 to 4 minutes) along with their posters. Posters and videos will present results from welding and additive manufacturing (AM) related studies, which are best conveyed visually, as well as research results involving study and analysis of graphs, micrographs, tables, or CAD drawings. Please note the new categories (* below)

October 15-17, 2024


Submissions are Welcomed in Seven Categories:
• Students in High School Welding Programs
• High School Students in Sponsored University Programs*
• Students in a Two-Year College or Certificate Programs
• Undergraduate Students in B.S. Tech. College Programs*
• Undergraduate Students in B.S. Engg. University Programs
• Graduate Students (M.Sc., M.Eng., Ph.D.)
• Professionals (Not eligible for prize money)

Requirements and Judging Criteria:
• Posters must be submitted online. Follow the guidelines through the link below.
• Find more information about submission, design guidelines, judging criteria, lists of topics and general tips at
• Instructions for submission of videos will be available on the website.
• Technical topics relevant to the welding industry are acceptable (business studies, welding processes and controls, welding procedures, welding design, structural integrity related to welding, weld inspection, welding metallurgy, and AM).
• Posters and videos accepted for the competition will be judged based on technical content, clarity of communication, novelty/relevance of the subject and overall aesthetic impression.

Goals of the Competition Include:
• Advancing the science, technology and application of welding and allied joining and cutting processes, including additive manufacturing (AM) through visual communication of work under-taken to address technical and commercial challenges.
• Highlighting investigative work in the fields outlined above by recognizing the investigators and institutions that support these endeavors.
• Promoting development of students’ communication skills and knowledge of welding, AM and related technologies.

If you have a comment or question about your participation in the conference, please contact us at Thank you for participating in the event!

Abstracts Due 07/31/2024
Proceedings Plan Undecided
. . . you are welcome to do so. Just click on the button. Note: To submit an abstract, you must be registered and logged into the system.

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