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About this Symposium
Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Aluminum Alloys: Development and Manufacturing
Organizer(s) Roberto Seno, Cba - Companhia Brasileira De Aluminio
Scope The Aluminum Alloys: Development and Manufacturing Symposium is part of the Light Metals program. This is an excellent opportunity to interact with experts from the Light Metals industry and academia from all over the world and get the latest update on key issues in the industry. The symposium covers all aspects of the physical and mechanical metallurgy of aluminum alloys as well as processing methods (continuous casting is covered by Cast Shop Technology), product development, testing, and implementation of aluminum for end applications, including transportation (automotive, aerospace, and marine), packaging, and other key product segments. You are invited to submit papers of fundamental and applied research in the following subject areas:

- Alloy Development
- Microstructure Evolution and Characterization
- Defect Detection and Control
- Surface Modification and Control
- Mechanical Behavior
- Material and Process Modeling
- Processing Innovation
- Process Control and Measurements
- New Applications and Products

Note regarding publication: Authors seeking an oral presentation opportunity must submit a manuscript for the Light Metals proceedings or be accepted for publication in a TMS journal. Authors seeking a poster presentation are not required to publish a paper, which would be an exceptional case taken by the symposium chair.

Abstracts Due 07/01/2025
Proceedings Plan Planned: Light Metals
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