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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Alumina and Bauxite
Sponsorship TMS Light Metals Division
TMS: Aluminum Committee
Organizer(s) Efthymios Balomenos, Metlen Energy and Metals
Les C. Edwards, Rain Carbon Inc.
Scope The Alumina and Bauxite Symposium is part of the Light Metals program. This is an excellent opportunity to interact with experts from the Light Metals industry and academia from all over the world and get the latest update on key issues in the industry. Based on the importance of improving processes, reducing environmental impact and the global challenges in the aluminum production you are invited to submit papers of fundamental and applied research in the following subject areas:

- Changes in Bauxite Supply and Future Demands
- Bauxite Ore Characterization
- Bauxite Mining and Processing
- Handling and Processing
- Separation of Impurities
- Sustainability and Environmental Issues
- Bauxite Residue Handling and Opportunities
- Automation and Process Control
- Cost Reduction Strategies
- Alumina Properties and Quality
- Application of Industry 4.0 in the alumina and bauxite industry

Note regarding publication: Authors seeking an oral presentation opportunity must submit a manuscript for the Light Metals proceedings or be accepted for publication in a TMS journal.

Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Planned: Light Metals

Combine LIBS and Machine Learning to Realize Real-Time and Online Analysis of Bauxite Composition
Dealkalization Behavior of TiO2 Sulfuric Acid Waste on Bayer Red Mud
Improvement Mechanical Properties Has Exposure to Hot Isostatic Pressing at Different Times of Ceramics α-Al2O3 for Total Hip Arthroplasty
Metal Recovery from Waste Using Bayer Process Desilication Products
Operational Excellence Through Advanced Analytics at Hindalco Muri
Pathways to Decarbonise the Alumina Industry
Study on Reaction Behavior of Sulfur in Flotation Desulfurization Concentrate
Sustainability Initiatives at Muri Alumina Refinery by Utilizing 100% Waste, Conservation of Natural Resources and Reduction of Carbon Emission
Sustainable Green Application of Kaolin Ore for Alumina Recovery Based on Lower Temperatures Sintering Process

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