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About this Symposium
Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Sustainable Metallurgy: Theory, Design, and Application
Organizer(s) Song-Mao (Simon) Liang, CompuTherm
XiaoXiang Yu, Novelis Inc.
Alan A. Luo, Ohio State University
John H. Perepezko, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Pascal Gauthier, Riotinto Aluminium
Wei Xiong, University of Pittsburgh
Scope This symposium highlights innovative strategies and tools in sustainable metallurgy. The aim is to bring together experts from various disciplines to discuss energy-efficient methods that enhance material recovery, reuse, and recycling, ultimately reducing environmental impacts. The symposium will delve into the intricate relationship between material developments, innovative processing, experimental methods, and computational techniques, all with the goal of achieving sustainability in alloy design and processing. This will cultivate a deeper understanding of sustainable materials development and its industrial applications.

The symposium will be structured around the following key themes:
1. Energy-Efficient Approaches for Material Recovery and Recycling
2. Cutting-Edge Innovations in Sustainable Metallurgy Processing
3. Experimental Methods in Sustainable Alloy Design and Processing
4. The Impact of Computational Techniques on Sustainable Metallurgy
5. Industrial Applications and Consequences of Sustainable Materials Development

The proposed symposium will include keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, and poster sessions. We also plan to invite esteemed experts in the field to deliver keynote addresses and lead discussions.

Abstracts Due 07/01/2025
Proceedings Plan Undecided
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