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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T25: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Additive Manufacturing: Equipment, Instrumentation and In-Situ Process Monitoring
Sponsorship TMS: Additive Manufacturing Committee
Organizer(s) Samantha Webster, Nist - Gaithersburg
Jihoon Jeong, Texas A&M University
Benjamin Bevans, University of Oklahoma
Scope The purpose of this symposium is to highlight advances made in Additive Manufacturing (AM) equipment and instrumentation which supports in-situ process monitoring techniques. Research can be focused on the development of an innovative measurement system at the laboratory scale or an existing monitoring solution for production applications.

Suitable topics for this symposium include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. New technologies or improvements in AM equipment.
• Faster, more repeatable, or innovative delivery of feedstock
• Improvements in build chamber environment
• Innovations in energy transfer to material

2. In-situ monitoring technologies and process control algorithms.
• Multi-sensor monitoring and incorporation into process control
• Measurement methods and instrumentation to observe high-speed melt pool phenomena, material composition, and defect formation
• Closed-loop and feed-forward control algorithm development, or predictive model implementation on existing hardware

3. In-situ monitoring data reduction, processing, and analysis.
• Fusion of data from multiple sensors
• Methods to map in-situ data to final component geometry
• Application of AI and machine learning to in-situ data

Abstracts covering additive manufacturing research and standards development will also be welcomed.

Abstracts Due 05/01/2025
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