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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T25: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Advanced Coatings for Wear and Corrosion Protection
Organizer(s) Evelina Vogli, Flame Spray Inc.
Virendra Singh, SLB
Scope This symposium will serve as a forum for discussion of:

(i) Corrosion and wear performance of coatings and surface treatment produced by different processes, including but not limit to additive manufacturing processes, thermal spray, weld-overlay, laser and plasma processing, CVD, PVD, nitriding, carburization, and plating. The coatings can be made from metals (crystalline and/or amorphous), polymer, ceramics, nitrides, carbides, cermets, or composite materials.

(ii) High-performance coatings with exposure to high temperatures, high stress, and other extreme environment applications.

(iii) Understanding degradation mechanisms of coatings through friction, wear and corrosion or other dynamic loading condition; the relationship between composition, processing techniques, microstructural and nanostructural features, and test environments, and their effects on performance and life.

(iv) Approaches to design improved coatings and surface treatment materials and processes based on modeling and experimental data.

(v) The latest development of test methods considering the interplay between mechanical, chemical, and electrochemical interactions and the ability to predict performance. Emphasis on valid, accelerated performance tests and the relation between test technique and field performance data is specifically appreciated.

(vi) Theoretic modeling to predict coating properties, performance, durability and reliability in service environments.

Abstracts Due 05/01/2025
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