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About this Symposium
Meeting MS&T25: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Materials and Manufacturing in Low Earth Orbit (and Beyond)
Sponsorship TMS: Solidification Committee
Organizer(s) David B. Williams, Ohio State University
Alan A. Luo, Ohio State University
Glenn S. Daehn, Ohio State University
Antonio J Ramirez, The Ohio State University
Boyd Panton, Ohio State University
Nathan Ames, Ohio State University
Ken Savin, REdwire Space
Jonathan Volk, Voyager Space
Scope With the upcoming transition to one or more commercially driven space stations to replace the international Space Station, there is increasing interest in creating new materials and components in the radiation/microgravity environment of low-earth orbit, that provides challenges and opportunities not seen on earth. Also, in low-earth orbit there will be the need to build structures that are too big to be launched, such as massive solar arrays, requiring the transformation of traditional materials processing and joining methods so they be used to manufacture products in microgravity.

This symposium will be a) a global discussion of synthesis and characterization of new materials created in low-earth orbit. Potential commercial products range from pharmaceuticals to semiconductors and b) an assessment of the current state and future need for transforming traditional manufacturing methods so they can be used in the confined and austere environment of a space station in low earth orbit.

Session Topics:
1) Commercial Space – challenge and opportunities
2) Current manufacturing processes in low-earth orbit
3) Autonomous/robotic manufacturing
4) Welding in low-earth orbit; history and planned experiments
5) Building large structures in low earth orbit
7) Workforce development for commercial materials /manufacturing in low-earth orbit
8) Biological Applications

Abstracts Due 05/01/2025
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