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About this Symposium
Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advanced Biomaterials and Implants
Organizer(s) Vinoy Thomas, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Tolou Shokuhfar, University of Illinois at Chicago
Jingjie Hu, North Carolina State University
Anamika Prasad, Florida International University
Scope This symposium will explore cutting-edge advancements in biomaterials and implants, focusing on their design, functionality, and integration with biological systems. Topics include the development of innovative biomaterials such as advanced 3D materials, porous structures, surface-engineered materials, biodegradable metals, bioactive ceramics, advanced polymers, and nanomaterials, with applications in orthopedics, soft tissue repair, and vascular health. The session will also highlight injectable materials and devices for minimally invasive therapies, including bioresponsive hydrogels and drug delivery systems. Contributions leveraging computational modeling, machine learning, and data-driven approaches to optimize material properties, biocompatibility, and long-term performance are encouraged. By fostering multidisciplinary collaboration, this symposium aims to address critical challenges in healthcare and shape the future of biomaterials and medical implants.
Abstracts Due 07/01/2025
Proceedings Plan Planned: Supplemental Proceedings volume
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