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Meeting 2023 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advances in Multi-Principal Element Alloys II
Sponsorship TMS Structural Materials Division
TMS Functional Materials Division
TMS: Mechanical Behavior of Materials Committee
TMS: Alloy Phases Committee
Organizer(s) Peter K. Liaw, University of Tennessee
Michael C. Gao, National Energy Technology Laboratory
E-Wen Huang, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Jennifer LW Carter, Case Western Reserve University
Srivatsan S. Tirumalai
Xie Xie, Ford Motor Company
James Brechtl, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Gongyao Wang, Globus Medical
Scope This symposium provides an opportunity for scientists and engineers to present and discuss the latest theoretical and applied research related to the fabrication methods, microstructures, and mechanical behavior of high-entropy alloys (HEAs) or multi-principal element alloys (MPEAs).

BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE: HEAs and MPEAs consist of five or more elements and typically consist of body-center-cubic (BCC), face-centered-cubic (FCC), and hexagonal-close-packed (HCP) solid-solutions phases. These material systems possess many desirable properties, such as irradiation resistance, remarkable corrosion and oxidation resistance, high strength and ductility, and high fatigue/wear resistance. These positive characteristics therefore make HEAs/MPEAs viable candidates for several applications, such as biomedical, energy, mechanical, and aerospace industries.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
(1) Theoretical modeling and simulation using advanced computational techniques, including molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo, CALPHAD modeling, density functional theory, phase-field modeling, finite-element techniques, and machine learning methods
(2) Advanced in situ characterization methods, such as transmission electron microscopy, neutron scattering, three-dimensional (3D) atom probe tomography, and electron backscatter diffraction
(3) Material fabrication and processing techniques, including additive manufacturing, grain-boundary engineering, and homogenization
(4) Mechanical behavior, such as creep, wear, fatigue, serrated plastic flow, and fracture
(5) Microstructural modification and control that alter the various biomedical, physical, mechanical, corrosion, magnetic, electric, irradiation, and thermal behavior
(6) Diffusivity and thermodynamic phenomena
(7) Applications in the biomedical, automotive, aerospace, energy, and other industries

Abstracts Due 07/17/2022
Proceedings Plan Planned:

2023 Institute of Metals Lecture/Robert Franklin Mehl Award: Metallurgical Engineering to Materials Science and Engineering: Evolution of a Profession and TMS
A High-Throughput Investigation of Composition-Microstructure Relationships in NbVZrMx Alloys
A Physical Model for Accurate Prediction of Lattice Parameter beyond Vegard's Law: An Application in bcc Solid Solution Alloys
A Statistical Study on Incipient Plasticity of Medium-/High-entropy Alloys
Accelerated Design of Cost-Competitive FCC High Entropy Alloys Superior to IN625
Additive Manufacturing of Compositionally Complex Metal Alloys with Engineered Microstructures
Additive Manufacturing of Multi-principal Element Ni Alloys with Nanoprecipitates
Atomistic Investigation of Elementary Dislocation Properties Influencing Mechanical Behaviour of Cr15Fe46Mn17Ni22 Alloy and Cr20Fe70Ni10 Alloy
Attainments and Challenges of High Temperature Oxidation Resistance of Refractory High Entropy Alloys: Literature Review and Own Results
Challenges in the Synthesis and Processing of Complex Concentrated Alloys
Characterizing Deformation Mechanisms in BCC/B2 Refractory Multi-principal Element Alloys via a Model BCC/B2 Alloy in the Fe-Al-Ni System
Charged Particles: Unique Tools to Study Irradiation Resistance of High-entropy Alloys
Chemical Short-range Order in Multi-principal Element Alloys
Combined Machine Learning – Graph Theory Based Framework for the Design of New High Entropy Alloy Chemistries
Compositionally Complex Ceramics (CCCs): Recent Discoveries of Long- and Short-Range Ordering and Order-Disorder Transitions
Computational Studies of Interfaces in High Entropy Ceramics.
Correlations between Nanoindentation Hardness and Composition Gradients in TaNbTiV Refractory High Entropy Alloy
Creep of High Entropy Alloys and Superalloys at NETL
Crystal Plastic Modeling of NbTaTiV Refractory High-entropy Alloy at Room Temperature
Defect Detection and Characterization of Additively Manufactured Al0.1CoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloy
Deformation Behavior of CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloy Highly Strained by Torsion at Elevated Temperatures
Deformation by Dislocations, Twinning, and Phase Transformations in Compositionally Complex FCC Solid Solutions
Design and Development of Refractory High-entropy Alloys via An Experimentally Driven High-throughput Approach
Design of High Modulus-low Density AlTiVCr-based Alloys to Enhance Ductility
Designing Immiscible Medium-entropy Alloys
Developing TRansformation-Induced-Plasticity (TRIP) TiZrHf(VNbTa)x High-entropy Alloys via Bo-Md Diagram
Development of Coherent Ru-based BCC + B2 Alloys with High Thermal Stability
Diffusion-activation Energy in CoCrNi, CoCrFeNiMn, and CoCrFeNiCu High-entropy Alloys from First-principles Calculations, with Comparison to Creep-activation Energy
Effect of High-pressure and Shear Strainig on FCC-HCP Transformation in Cr20Mn20Fe20Co40-xNix High Entropy Alloys
Effects of Precipitate Size and Spacing on Deformation-induced fcc to bcc Phase Transformation
Elastic and Plastic Behavior of Binary and Ternary Refractory Multi-principal-element Alloys
Evolution of Hierarchical Nanotwins in the Annealed Mn-free FeCoNiCr High-entropy Alloy Subjected to Ex-situ Tensile Deformation at a Cryogenic Temperature
Exceptional Fracture Toughness of CrCoNi-based Alloys Close to Liquid Helium Temperatures
First-principles Study of the Phase Stability and Secondary Phase Formation in the AlxCoCrFeNi High-entropy Alloys
High-throughput Characterization and Nanoindentation of TiZrHfNbTa High-entropy Alloy Library with Gradient Composition
High-Throughput Design of Refractory Multi-Principal Element Alloys
High-Throughput Study of Ion Irradiation and Oxidation Responses in Multi-Principal Element Alloys
High Entropy Alloy Metamaterials
High Entropy Alloys and NSF
High Strain Rate Deformation Behavior of Multi-Principal Element Alloys
High Throughput Design and Synthesis of MPEAs: Unexpected Discoveries
Impact of Ti on Phase Evolution and Oxidation Mechanisms within TiAlTa Alloys
In-situ Investigation of the Initial Oxidation Steps in Refractory High-entropy Alloys by O2 Gas Exposure
Interface-related Deformation Phenomena in High Entropy Alloy / Metallic Glass Nanolaminates
Interplay of Lattice Distortion and Ordering in Refractory High-entropy Alloys
Investigation of Cobalt Free Multi-Principal Element Alloy Candidates for Reducing Material System Criticality
Investigation on Formation of Duplex Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in CrMnFeCoNiAlxTiy High-entropy Alloy
Ion-beam Modification of High-entropy Oxides
J-102: Crystallographic and Compositional Evolution during Isothermal Annealing of Refractory High Entropy Alloys: Insights into High Temperature Phase Stability
J-103: Development and Application of WC-based Cemented Carbide Bonded with Co Based Multi-component Alloy Binder
J-106: Bridge Martensite Phase Transformation through Microbands for Superior Dynamic Mechanical Properties in a Metastable High-entropy Alloy
J-107: Thermal Super-jogs Control High-temperature Strength in Nb-Mo-Ta-W Alloys
J-109: Fabrication of AlCoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloys via Binder Jetting and Direct Energy Deposition: Characterization, Microstructural Modification, and Analysis
J-10: An Investigation on Structure-property Correlation in TiVZrNb Light-weight High-entropy Alloy
J-11: An Investigation on Transformation-induced-plasticity Mechanisms of Metastable Refractory Medium-entropy Alloys by Controlling Chemical Composition
J-12: Atomistic Modeling of Physical Vapor Deposition and Melt-quenching of CoCrFeNiTix High Entropy Alloys
J-14: Combinatorial Study of Rhenium Additions on the Non-Equiatomic VNbMoTaW System
J-15: Combinatorial Thin Film and Bulk Alloy Approach to Identify Non-equiatomic Compositions in MnFeCoNiCu System with Superior Phase Stability and Mechanical Properties
J-16: Comparison of Select High Entropy Alloys as Binders for Cemented Carbide
J-17: Comparison of Tensile and Compression Properties of Refractory High Entropy Alloys Developed by Natural Mixing Guided Design
J-18: Crystal Plasticity Modeling and Machine Learning for High-Strength, High-Temperature Alloys
J-19: Data-driven Search and Selection of Ti-containing Multi-principal Element Alloys for Aeroengine Parts
J-20: Design of Ductile Low-Activation Bcc Multi-principal Element Alloys
J-21: Design of MoWTaTiZr Refractory Multi-principal Element Alloys for High-temperature Applications
J-22: Design of Novel AlCoCrNbNi Eutectic High Entropy Alloy with Adequate Strength, Ductility, and Oxidation Resistance
J-23: Accelerated Development of Refractory Multi-principal Element Alloys via Machine Learning
J-24: Development of Refractory High Entropy Alloys via Natural Mixing Guided Design
J-25: DFT Investigation of FeNiCoCrMnAl and FeNiCoCrPdAl High Entropy Alloys: Fully Disordered versus Partially Disordered
J-26: Ductility at Room Temperature of BCC-RHEAs
J-27: Dynamic Precipitate Transformation in Ultrastrong and Ductile Maraging Medium-entropy Alloy
J-28: Effect of Composition and Dose Rate on the Irradiation Behavior of Ni-based MPEAs
J-29: Effect of the BCC Phase on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of the FeCrNi Equiatomic Alloy
J-30: Effects of Oxygen Interstitials on Phase Stability and Phase Evolution in the HfNbTaTiZr RMPE Alloy
J-31: Effects of Potential Energy Statistics on Deformation Behavior in Concentrated Solid Solutions
J-33: Enhanced Mechanical Properties of Ti-rich Medium Entropy Alloys via Phase Diagram Engineering
J-34: Grain Boundary Segregation and Solute Drag in Multicomponent Alloys
J-35: Grain Boundary Segregation Effects in Multi-Principal Element Alloys
J-36: GTA Weldability of Metastable Ferrous Medium-entropy Alloys with Various Welding Materials
J-37: High-density Nanoscale L12 Phase Strengthened FeNiCr-based Medium Entropy Alloys
J-38: High-throughput Calculation of the Alloying Effects on the Thermodynamic Properties of Al2Cu10Fe20MnxNiyCrz High Entropy Alloys
J-39: High-throughput CALPHAD-type Calculation in Design of Coherent Precipitate-strengthening Al-Co-Cr-Mo-Ti Refractory High Entropy Superalloys
J-40: High-throughput Creation of Refractory High-Entropy Alloys
J-41: High Temperature B2 Precipitation of Ru-Containing Refractory Alloys
J-42: In-Situ Investigation of Damage in the AlCoCrFeNi2.1 High Entropy Alloy
J-43: In-situ Quasi-static Deformation Studies of CoCrNi Multi-principal Element Alloys
J-44: In-situ Tensile Testing Using Synchrotron Radiation in a CrCoNi Multi-principal Element Alloy
J-45: In Situ Neutron Diffraction Analyses of Dislocation Slip and Twinning Deformation in an Additively Manufactured CrCoNi Medium Entropy Alloy
J-46: Irradiation-induced Segregation in Complex Concentrated Alloys
J-47: Machine Learning On-the-fly KMC Study of Vacancy Diffusion of Concentrated Ni-Fe Model Alloys
J-48: Mechanical Properties and Dislocation Activities of B2 High-Entropy Intermetallic Compounds
J-49: Mechanical Properties and Plastic Instabilities of FeAlCr-based Complex Concentrated Alloys
J-4: A Dynamic Recrystallization-induced Heterostructuring Strategy via Hot Rolling in a Ferrous Multi-principal Element Alloy
J-50: Mechanical Properties of Medium Entropy Alloys
J-51: Metastability Engineering of Partially Recrystallized C-doped Non-equiatomic CoCrFeNiMo Medium-entropy Alloy
J-52: Microstructural and Mechanical Analysis of Cobalt-Free High Entropy Alloys
J-53: Microstructure and Hardness of (CoCrCuTi) 100-x Fex with Duplex Hexagonal-Cubic Multi Principal Element Alloys
J-54: Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, and Long-term Stability of FeMnNiAlCr High Entropy Alloys for Concentrated Solar Power Systems
J-55: Minor Addition of Boron on Macro- and Micro-Mechanical Properties of Refractory High-Entropy Alloys
J-56: Nanoindentation Creep of Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline NiFeCo Medium Entropy Alloy
J-57: Neutron Diffraction and Total Scattering Investigation of an Unusual Long-range Order-Disorder Transition Competing with Short-range Ordering in 10-component Oxides
J-58: Non-Equatomic Composition Effect on the Thermodynamic Properties of MoNbTaW
J-59: On the Molten State Processing of Refractory Complex Concentrated Alloys
J-5: A Facile Strengthening Method by Co-doping Boron and Nitrogen in CoCrFeMnNi High-entropy Alloy
J-60: On the Pursuit of Stress-induced Transformation Effect in the High-entropy Ti-Zr-Nb-Mo-Al System
J-61: Order-Disorder Effects in Mixed BCC/FCC FeNiMoW MPEA
J-62: Phase-field Crystal Modeling of Deformation Mechanics in BCC Refractory Metal-based MPEAs
J-63: Phase Stability in Ti-Zr-Nb Refractory Medium Entropy Alloys from Atomistic Simulations
J-64: Plastic Behavior of Phase-separated FCC Complex Concentrated Alloys
J-65: Plastic Deformation of BCC Medium-entropy Alloys in the Ti-Zr-Nb Systems
J-66: Plastic Deformation of Single Crystals of Ternary Equiatomic Alloys with the FCC Structure
J-67: Preferential Composition during Nucleation and Growth in Multi-Principal Elements Alloys
J-68: Processing-Structure Relationship in Additive Friction Stir Deposited AlxCoCrFeNi Complex Concentrated Alloys
J-69: Recrystallization Behavior of NbTiZr-Containing Refractory Multi-Principal Element Alloys
J-6: A Micromechanical Investigation of the Orientation Dependent Plasticity of a MoNbTi Alloy
J-71: Relaxation and Diffusion Processes at High Temperature in Fe-Mn-Cr-Ni-Co High Entropy Alloy Studied by Mechanical Spectroscopy
J-72: Shape Memory Effect in CrMnFeCoNi Multi-principal Element Alloys
J-73: Solid Particle Erosion Resistance of Eutectic High-entropy Alloys Using an Improved Air-jet Sandblaster Method
J-74: Study of the Grain Growth Kinetics and Hall-Petch Relationship in Fe-rich Multi-principal Element Alloys
J-75: Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Multi-element Magnesium-based Medium Entropy Alloys
J-77: Transmission Electron Microscopy of Temperature Dependent Deformation Mechanisms in Multi-principal Element Alloys
J-7: A Neural Network Model for High Entropy Alloy Design
J-8: Abrupt Fluorite-pyrochlore and Pyrochlore-weberite Phase Transformations in Single-phase 20-component Ultrahigh-entropy Oxides
J-9: Activated Sintering of Ni-doped NbMoTaW Guided by a Computed Grain Boundary Diagram
Lattice Distortion and Phase Transitions in AlxCoCrFeNi HEAs under Pressure
Low-cycle-fatigue Effects on Lattice Distortion of CoCrFeMnNi High-entropy-alloy
Low-temperature Deforamtion in High-entropy Alloys
Mechanical Determination of Peak Short-range Ordering in CrCoNi via Nanoindentation
Mechanical Properties and Deformation Mechanisms in TiMoNbZr Medium Entropy Alloys: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Mechanical Properties and their Evolution in High Entropy Alloys in the High Strain Rate Regime
Microalloying Technology: A Promising Strategy for Designing Nanostructured High-entropy Alloy Films
Microstructural Evolution and Deformation Mechanisms in Compositionally Complex Alloys
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of In-situ TiC Reinforced Nb-Ta-V-Ti High Entropy Alloys
Microstructure and Mechanical Property of Gas Tungsten Arc and Friction Stir Welds of L12 Precipitate FCC High-entropy Alloy
Multi-Principal Element Alloy Fillers to Mitigate Weldability and Joining Issues
Nanostructured Multi-principal Ellement Alloys: A Review
Numerical and Experimental Exploration of CCAs from the CrFeNiMoTi System for the Development of Cobalt-free Hardfacing Coatings
Oxidation of Group IV-V Refractory Multi-principal Element Alloys
Phase Formation in Compositionally Complex Alloy Thin Films: The Role of "Small" and "Large" Elements
Phase Stability in the Ternary CoCrNi Alloy
Phase Transformation Pathways in Compositionally-Complex BCC-B2 Alloys
Powder Properties Characterization of Al0.1CoCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloy Fabricated by Gas Atomization Process
Processing of Refractory Multi-Principal Element Alloys for Ultrahigh Temperature Performance
Recent Developments of Body-centered-cubic (BCC) High-entropy Alloys
Refractory Alloys with Ru-based B2 Precipitation-strengthened Microstructures
Role of Local Chemical Order on Phase Stability and Passivation in High Entropy Alloys
Sequential Deformation-induced Phase Transformations in a Fe-Cr-Co-Ni Medium-entropy Alloy Explains Its Mechanical Behavior
Simulations and Modelling of the High Temperature Yield Behavior of Compositionally Complex Concentrated BCC Alloy
Structural and Compositional Inheritances of Intermetallic Phases in High-entropy Alloys
Structure-induced Local Lattice Distortions in a Refractory High-entropy Alloy
Study of Microstructural Evolution of Two Magnesium-based Multi-element High Entropy Alloys
Study of Short-Range Orders in Al-Co-Cr-Fe-Ni High-Entropy Alloys and Their Effects on Thermodynamic Properties – Atomistic Simulations and Data Analytics
Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction and Tomography Simultaneous Studies of Multiple Phase Transformation Dynamics in Al-based Multiple Component Alloys
Synergistic Discontinuous Reactions Leading to Nano-lamellar Hierarchical Microstructures in High Entropy Alloys
Tailoring Microstructure of Refractory High Entropy Superalloys through Semi-quantitative Miscibility Gap
The Challenges of High-Entropy Intermetallic Alloys
The Complexity of High Entropy Alloys
The Precipitated Strengthening of Eta Phase on the Non-equimolar CoCrNiTi Medium-entropy Alloys
Tunability of Deformation Mechanisms through Integration of Compositional and Microstructural Domains
Tuning Shape Memory Phase Transformation of High-Entropy Alloys by Chemical Compositions
Ultra-low Thermal Conductive Metallic Material: High Entropy Alloy Foam
Uncovering Unique Multi-Principal Element Alloy Properties Using Atom Probe Tomography
Understanding the Short-range Ordering and Dislocation Behavior in BCC Refractory High Entropy Alloys
Uniform Plastic Deformation and Underlying Defect Activities of High-Entropy Alloys and Intermetallic Compounds
Unique Magnetism, Hydriding and Irradiation Behaviors of Some Multi-Principal Element Alloys
Unraveling Hydrogen Embrittlement of Model High Entropy Alloys

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