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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium SEE UPDATED FORM: Thin Films and Coatings: Properties, Processing and Applications
Organizer(s) Tomas Grejtak, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Brandon A Krick, Florida A&M University – Florida State University
Tomas F Babuska, Sandia National Laboratories
Scope Thin films and coatings are specialized layers ranging from a few nanometers to several micrometers in thickness. They play an important role in improving the performance of materials across diverse applications. Understanding and optimizing the processes and properties of thin films and coatings is essential for enhancing their performance and functionality. This symposium primarily focuses on the latest development and trends in deposition and synthesis of thin films and coating for a variety of applications and environments, novel mechanical testing (including in-situ), advanced morphological characterization, modeling and simulation, and others. Topics related to linking processing-structure-property relationships are of particular interest.

The topics of interest are (but not limited to):
• Advanced thin film deposition and synthesis techniques.
• Nano- and micro-scale mechanical testing and structural
• Thin films and coatings for extreme environments.
• Bioinspired multifunctional thin films and coatings.
• Modeling and simulation for predicting the mechanical properties.
• Thin films and coatings for emerging applications in energy, biology and

Abstracts Due 07/01/2024
Proceedings Plan Undecided
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