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Meeting MS&T25: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Alloy Phase Transformations at Elevated Temperatures
Sponsorship TMS: High Temperature Alloys Committee
TMS: Phase Transformations Committee
Organizer(s) Dinc Erdeniz, University of Cincinnati
Mark Aindow, University of Connecticut
Jonathan L. Priedeman, General Electric Company
Vahid Tari, ATI - Allegheny Technologies Incorporated
Scope High-temperature alloy systems remain integral to structural applications in the aerospace, automotive, and power generation industries. The phase transformations occurring during fabrication and post-processing are critical in establishing the desired properties of these alloys. Conversely, transformations during manufacturing or in-service can lead to failure. Understanding the mechanisms behind these phase transformations and their influence on material properties is essential for the successful design and application of these alloys under elevated temperatures. Topics of interest include recent experimental and computational advances in the field of phase transformations of high temperature alloys, across the spectrum from model- to commercially-offered-alloys. Such alloys include aluminum-base, titanium-base, iron-base, nickel-base, refractory-base, and multi-principal-element alloys, as well as intermetallic systems.
Abstracts Due 05/01/2025
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