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Meeting MS&T21: Materials Science & Technology
Symposium Grain Boundaries, Interfaces, and Surfaces in Ceramics: Fundamental Structure—Property—Performance Relationships
Sponsorship ACerS Basic Science Division
ACerS Electronics Division
Organizer(s) Rheinheimer Wolfgang, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Catherine M. Bishop, University of Canterbury
Shen J. Dillon, University of California, Irvine
Ming Tang, Rice University
John Blendell, Purdue University
Wayne D. Kaplan, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Melissa K. Santala, Oregon State University
Scope Interfaces play a key role in microstructure evolution of ceramic materials. Beyond that, many properties are dominated by interfacial properties, as evidenced for mechanical properties that depend on the grain boundary structure. For electronic materials, grain boundaries and interfaces can significantly affect charge carrier mobility. In most ceramic systems, interfaces include a charged core with an adjacent space charge, posing a significant challenge for applications in the field of ionic conductors as e.g. electrolytes in SOFC or solid-state electrolytes for Li batteries.

This symposium invites contributions addressing the thermodynamics, kinetics, and structure of interfaces and the resulting microstructure evolution and materials properties. These fundamental questions require contributions that address issues at various length scales, both experimental and theoretical. Of interest are the fundamentals of interface structure, chemistry, space charge, evolution and properties in functional settings such as batteries, fuel cells, ferroelectrics, photovoltaics, catalysts and sensors during processing or operation.

The symposium will include a panel discussion with an emphasis on identifying current paradigms and new directions for research on interfaces in ceramic materials. This discussion will provide an occasion for students and young researchers to gain an overview in a new field and to pose questions and discuss issues beyond textbook knowledge, and will serve to support the community as a whole in coordinating efforts and stimulating new co-operations.

Topics of this symposium include but are not limited to:

- Thermodynamic vs kinetic stability of interfaces
- Thermodynamics and kinetics of microstructural evolution:
sintering, grain growth, anisotropy
- Theory, modeling, data analysis and informatics methodology for predicting interface structure and structure-property relations across length and time scales
- Advanced (in-situ) characterization techniques applied to interfaces
- Fundamentals of space charge:
segregation, adsorption, electronic structures
- Impact of interfaces on applications:
ionic conductors, catalysis, and sensors

Abstracts Due 04/15/2021

3-D Quantification of Grain Boundary Defect Chemistry Using TEM + APT
Abnormal Grain Growth in Nanocrystalline PdAu: The Case of the Fractal Fingerprint
Dislocation and Grain Boundary Interaction in Oxides: Slip Transmission or Cracking?
Effect of Sodium on the Processability and Mechanical Properties of Nanocrystalline Magnesium Aluminate
Elucidating Grain Boundary Motion with 4D Grain Growth Measurements Using Non-destructive X-ray Diffraction Grain Mapping
Fast Grain-boundary Diffusion in Oxides
Geometrical Asymmetry Enabled Low Field Nucleation and Manipulation of Skyrmion at Magnetic Domain Boundaries in a Centro-symmetric Magnet
Hall-petch Behavior in Stoichiometric and Al-rich Nanocrystalline ZnAl2O4
Hetero-epitaxial Relationships and Atomic Structure at Ag/Ni Interfaces
Influence of Planar Defects on the Electrochemical Cycling and Diffusion of Li in LixMn2O4
Interface Migration: From Grain Boundary Structure to Microstructure Evolution
Microstructure-within-a-microstructure: Understanding Critical Structural Variations within Grain Boundary Networks
On the Role of Plasticity in High Heating Rate Sintering: Does Flash Sintering Involve Plastic Flow?
P1-20: A Novel Probe for Grain Boundary Characterization on the Mesoscopic Scale: Lab-based Diffraction Contrast Tomography
P1-21: The Effect of High Energy Diffraction Microscopy (HEDM) and Laboratory Diffraction Contrast Tomography (LabDCT) Resolution on Measured Grain Growth Parameters in Strontium Titanate (SrTiO3).
Size-dependent Lattice Contraction in Nano-MnO
Surface and Fracture Energy in Layered Ceramics
Triggering the Catalytic Activity of SrTiO3-based Ceramics by Electric-field-assisted Treatments

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