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Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advances in Titanium Technology
Organizer(s) Abhishek Sharma, University of North Texas
Srinivas Aditya Mantri, Argonne National Laboratory
Paraic O'Kelly, The Ohio State University
Zachary T. Kloenne, Imperial College London
G. Babu Viswanathan, Ohio State University
Scope Titanium and titanium-based alloys are commercially used in myriad applications ranging from the hot-sections of an aero-engine to structural applications at cryogenic temperatures, ballistic shield components at room temperatures, orthopedic implants, etc. Large tonnage commercial usage of titanium and its alloy systems for such a diverse range of sensitive and safety-critical engineering applications is rooted in the detailed understanding of the underlying structure-property-processing relationships based on extensive research spanning over the last fifty years.

This signature symposium hosted yearly by the Titanium Committee aims to deliberate upon some of these issues and to serve as a forum for titanium experts and researchers from all over the world. It has been a well-received international platform for scientists, engineers, and technologists from industry, academia, and research laboratories to exchange ideas and share the latest progress on the state-of-the-art in processing-microstructure-property co-relation within titanium and titanium-based alloys. The symposium covers all aspects of physical and mechanical metallurgy of titanium and titanium alloys including novel processing techniques, recent product development, new alloy design approaches, microstructure exploration, and performance evaluation. The topics of choice include, but are not limited to:

•Titanium and titanium alloys, including near alpha alloys, alpha+beta alloys, metastable beta alloys, intermetallic alloys, titanium aluminides, and titanium matrix composites.
•Alloy design approaches to novel commercial applications.
•Processing of titanium and titanium alloys using advanced techniques.
•Additive manufacturing of titanium-based alloys and their structure-property relationships
•Phase transformations and microstructural evolution in titanium and titanium alloys.
•Dynamic mechanical behavior and performance of titanium and titanium alloys.
•Deformation mechanisms within Titanium based alloys at various temperatures and loading conditions.

Abstracts Due 07/01/2025
Proceedings Plan Undecided
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