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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Innovative Hydrometallurgical Technologies for Environmentally Benign Processing and Remediation: An EPD Symposium Honoring Fiona Doyle
Sponsorship TMS Extraction and Processing Division
TMS: Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy Committee
TMS: Pyrometallurgy Committee
Organizer(s) Christina Meskers, SINTEF
Michael L. Free, University of Utah
Kerstin M. Forsberg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Gisele Azimi, University of Toronto
Hani Henein, University of Alberta
Scope Professor Doyle has worked in a wide range of areas in which she applied her fundamental work on chemical thermodynamics, chemical and electrochemical kinetics, transport phenomena, colloid and interfacial science to develop a fundamental mechanistic understanding of minerals and materials processing operations and materials-solution interactions, with a goal of developing a foundation for ensuring sustainability and economic competitiveness in the supply of resources and energy.

It is proposed to have different sessions that recognize her work in the different areas, as well as current research interests.
The processing and recovery of critical minerals via hydrometallurgical methods is essential for the transition to renewable, green energy. The first topic is planned to focus on the recovery of critical minerals from primary ores, byproducts, slags and tailings, scraps and waste fractions. Papers both on the fundamentals of recovery mechanisms as well as applied, upscaled approaches are welcome, including development of new technologies and equipment.

The second topic focusses on novel separation technologies and methods, including microbial extraction, in the context of 1) rare earth recovery and 2) removal of (heavy) metals from aqueous streams for environmental considerations. Increasingly stringent environmental regulations require removal of metal contamination from aqueous streams to very low levels. This includes streams such as waste streams from hydrometallurgical processing, cooling and off-gas treatment streams, run-off water (e.g. metallurgical operations, storage, recycling operations), water from tailing storage and mines, as well as aqueous streams from manufacturing processes (e.g. plating) for example

The third topic in this symposium examines the environmental impact of mining and metallurgical operations from two angles. Firstly, the precise assessment of this using Life Cycle Assessment is challenging, among others due to missing or incorrect data in databases. Papers on new approaches to achieve increased precision in LCA, and papers on improvement of the data base are sought. Secondly, contributions discussing the modification of processes and equipment to improve their environmental performance are sought, in particular but not limited to, the areas mentioned above (processing and recovery of critical minerals, rare earth recovery, removal of (heavy) metals from aqueous streams).

Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Planned:

Advanced Absorber Materials for Sustainable Extraction of Critical Metals: Innovations and Applications
Dissolution Behavior of Vanadium and Iron From Their Oxide Compounds in D2EHPA and Investigation of the Stripping Behavior
Effect of Applied Potential on the Electrodeposition of Ti-Al Alloys in AlCl3:BMIC Ionic Liquid Electrolyte
Evaluation of the Glycine-Citrate System for the Leaching of Lead and Zinc From Mining Tailings
Extraction of Lithium From Brine by Electrodialysis
Hydrometallurgical Treatment of Nickel Saprolite Ores Using the Atlas Materials Process for Sustainable Critical Material Supply
Hydro/Biohydrometallurgical Innovations for Copper Extraction from Primary Copper Sulfides
Innovative Environmentally Benign Hydrometallurgical Rare Earth Elements Separations Using a Magnetic Force Rather Than Chemical Reactions
Innovative Environmentally Benign Ion Separations Using Electrical and Centrifugal Forces Rather Than Chemicals
Investigation on the Interaction Between Acidic Organophosphorous Extractants and Tri-n-octylamine (TOA) for the Extraction of Rare Earths in HCl System
Rare Earth Elements Recovery Using Thermo-Responsive Virus
Removal Studies of Mo(VI) Ions From Simulated Metallurgical Waste Liquid by MIL-100(Fe)
Structure and Electrical Conductivity of Urea-Choline Chloride Deep Eutectic Solvent
Supported Liquid Membranes for Separation of Critical Raw Metals
Sustainable Hydrometallurgical Processes for Hazardous Element Control and Li-Ion Cathode Material Synthesis and Recycling
Total Recycling of Valuable Constituents in Black Mass of Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries (LIBs) via Environmentally Friendly Methods

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