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Meeting 2026 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Fundamental Science of Microstructural Evolution and Phase Transformations: A Symposium in Honor of Peter Voorhees
Organizer(s) Larry Aagesen, Idaho National Laboratory
Alexander F. Chadwick, US Naval Research Laboratory
Emine Begum Gulsoy, Northwestern University
Jonathan E. Guyer, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Yongwoo Kwon, Hongik University
David J. Rowenhorst, US Naval Research Laboratory
Amber L. Schneeweis Genau, Technische Hochschule Rosenheim
Katsuyo S. Thornton, University of Michigan
Scope Understanding microstructural evolution is at the heart of the processing-structure-properties-performance paradigm in materials science. Throughout his career, Professor Voorhees has advanced scientific understanding of microstructural evolution and the kinetics of phase transformations that drives it through a combination of theory, computational modeling, and experimental methodologies. His research has advanced the state of the art in each of these areas. This symposium will highlight key contributions that have furthered scientific understanding of microstructural evolution. Discussion will address the broad-reaching impact of the methodological advancements and their application in a variety of materials, including fundamental thermodynamics, analytical models for coarsening and phase transformations, phase-field and phase-field crystal modeling, and three-dimensional microstructure characterization using sectioning and X-ray tomography.
Abstracts Due 07/01/2025
Proceedings Plan Undecided
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