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Meeting 2024 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Alloys II
Sponsorship TMS Structural Materials Division
TMS: Alloy Phases Committee
Organizer(s) Chuan Zhang, CompuTherm LLC
Ji-Cheng Zhao, University of Connecticut
Shuanglin Chen, CompuTherm LLC
Wei Xiong, University of Pittsburgh
Scope The thermodynamics and kinetics of alloys play a pivotal role in understanding and optimizing their properties and performance. This symposium aims to bring together experts from academia, industry, and research institutions to exchange knowledge, discuss recent advances, and explore future directions in the field of thermodynamics and kinetics of alloys.

The symposium will cover a wide range of topics related to thermodynamics and kinetics of alloys, including, but not limited to:

  • Experimental investigations of thermodynamics and kinetics of alloys, such as phase transformations, microstructural evolution, diffusion kinetics, and solidification behavior.
  • Theoretical studies on kinetic mechanisms in phase stability/transformation and atomic diffusion, such as nucleation, and growth in alloys.
  • Theoretical studies on alloy thermochemical and/or thermophysical properties (thermal/electrical conductivity, elastic properties, etc.
  • Thermodynamic modeling and kinetic assessment of multicomponent systems.
  • Modern approaches coupling with the CALPHAD method for alloy design and development, as well as processing optimization.

The proposed symposium on “Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Alloys" is more focused on the CALPHAD method and will be a unique catch-all forum for researchers working in the field of both experiment and modeling to discuss the latest advancements and challenges related to thermodynamics and kinetics of alloys.
Abstracts Due 07/15/2023
Proceedings Plan Planned:

A Molar Volume Database for Co-base Superalloys
DFT Calculation of Thermal Expansion within Debye-Grüneisen Framework Made Simple and Accurate
Dynamics of Strain-energy-driven Grain Growth
Effect of Gibbs Free Energies of Terminal Alloys on the Diffusion Paths and Diffusion Depths in Couples Assembled with γ-Phase Fe-Ni-Cu Alloys at 1000 ⁰C
Efficient Ab Initio Estimation of the High-temperature Liquidus Curve
Feasibility Map: A CALPHAD-Based Tool to Design Nonlinear Composition Pathway for Desired Properties of Materials Processed by Advanced Manufacturing
First-principles-based Thermodynamic Database the Cr-Zr-X System Towards Design of Layered Accident Tolerant Nuclear Fuels
Grain Size Effects on Interdiffusion in Multicomponent Alloys
Interdiffusion Study in β - (Ni,Pt)Al Bond Coat System at 1100 °C
Mo Diffusion in FCC and Rhombohedral Phases in FeNiMoW Using Atomistic Calculations
Modeling Phase Selection and Extended Solubility in Rapid Solidified Alloys
Multi-Objective Design of a 7xxx High Strength Aluminum Plate Alloy
Parametrizing Phase Field Models for Microstructure Evolution: AMMBER, the AI-enabled Microstructure Model BuildER
Phase Selection Rules of Multi Principal Element Alloys
Prediction of the FCC Formation Region of the Co-Cr-Fe-Ni-Ti High-Entropy Alloys by the CALPHAD Method and Study on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
Preparation of Fe-Si Alloy by Molten Salt Electrolysis of Fe2SiO4 Simulating Copper Slag
Temperature-dynamic Phase-field Modeling of Hot Isostatic Pressing for Joining Dissimilar Metals
The CHiMaD Thermodynamic Database for Co-based Superalloys
The Diffusion Behaviours and Kinetic Descriptions of Mg-based Systems
Unlocking The Mysteries of Third and Fourth Element Effects in FeCrAl(Mo) Alloys

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