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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium REWAS 2025: Sustainable End-of-Life Management and Recycling Solutions for Batteries, Wind Turbines, and Photovoltaics
Sponsorship TMS Extraction and Processing Division
TMS: Recycling and Environmental Technologies Committee
Organizer(s) Christina Meskers, SINTEF
Mertol Gokelma, Izmir Institute of Technology
Adamantia Lazou, National Technical University of Athens
Elsa Olivetti, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Scope With the electrification of society in general, and mobility and industry sectors in particular, the volume of discarded batteries and energy materials are rising. The pathways towards the end-of-life management of clean energy technologies are essential for the more sustainable future. These encompass among others, design for R approaches, lifetime extension, and recycling solutions for current and future technology components.

This symposium covers the key aspects and advancements in, including but not limited to: the recycling of lithium-ion batteries with a special focus on the recovery of lithium, aluminum and graphite; recycling approaches for alternative battery chemistries and types, recycling approaches for wind turbines (REE magnets, carbon fibers, …) and photovoltaic systems (silicon, perovskite, ...), as well as systemic perspectives on end of life management and recycling, including metrics and value chain models.

Abstracts Due 07/15/2024
Proceedings Plan Planned: Collected volume in which your symposium’s papers would be included with other symposia

Decommissioning, characterization and proposed recycling route of a used Na-ZnCl2 battery cell
Recycling of lithium-ion batteries cathode material using supercritical fluid extraction
Reductive Leaching of Spent Li-NMC Cathode Material

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