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Conference Tools for 2027 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
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Proceedings Editors


How Symposium Organizers Become Proceedings Editors |Back to Help|

A natural outcome of developing a symposium for a conference is to organize a symposium proceedings. A proceedings is a collection of papers based on the presentations delivered at the meeting. Classically, a symposium proceedings should

  • Be available on-site during the meeting.
  • Feature as many of the presentations as possible.
  • Employ a review process.

Symposium organizers are encouraged to propose the development of proceedings volumes. These volumes can be in the form of

  • Print volumes
  • CD-ROMs
  • Electronically downloaded PDFs
  • Journal articles
  • Other

The proceedings can also be solely focused on presenting information from a single symposium or can represent the bundling of numerous complementary symposia from a single conference.

Decisions concerning which proceedings option is most suitable for the symposium are made based on information contained in the publications proposal form. (Click on "Propose a Proceedings" on the main menu.)

When to Complete the Publications Proposal Form |Back to Help|

When completing the original Symposium Proposal Form, you would have been asked to provide tentative information on what, if any, plans that you have for publishing the papers to be presented in the symposium. These plans would have been communicated to authors during the abstract submission process. There were three possible avenues of action depending on the form of proceedings publication proposed.

  1. If you proposed a publication as a stand-alone proceedings (i.e., an at-meeting proceedings, a post-meeting proceedings), you would be directed to also complete the Proceedings Proposal Form, which you may access via the Main Menu. This form should be completed once you receive formal approval of your symposium for inclusion in the meeting.
  2. If you requested publication in a journal, a review of your request would be conducted after the symposium is accepted for inclusion in the meeting. The journal editor would follow up accordingly. This course does not require completion of the Publications Proposal Form.
  3. If you requested an outside publication, consideration of the request would be performed by the Publications Coordinating Committee following approval of the symposium for inclusion in the meeting program. This course does not require completion of the Publications Proposal Form.
How to Complete the Publications Proposal Form |Back to Help|

To propose a proceedings, it is first necessary to log into ProgramMaster. If you have not used ProgramMaster before, you will first need to register on ProgramMaster. Registration is free.

Once you are logged in, the process of proposing a symposium entails the following:

  1. Click the "Propose a Proceedings" link from the Main Menu.
  2. You will see a list of conferences for which proceedings proposals are currently being accepted. Click on the conference to which you plan to submit a proceedings proposal.
  3. You will be presented with the Proceedings Proposal Form. Complete this form in full. (Detailed instructions concerning what to include in each field are presented on the form.) Note that it is critical to indicate which symposium (symposia) are to be covered by the proceedings proposal.
  4. If you are unsure as to how to complete a field, you may save the form and return at a later time to complete the remaining fields. You do this by clicking the "Save But Do Not Submit" button at the bottom of the Proceedings Proposal Form. Saving the form in this way will help publishers know that a proceedings is being planned based on the inclusion of specific symposia, although a formal submission is still to come.
  5. Once you have completed all of the form fields and are satisfied with the content, click on the "Submit My Proposal" button. This will formally initiate the proceedings proposal review process.
E-Mail Notifications to Proceedings Organizers |Back to Help|

Once you submit a symposium proposal, the system will automatically generate the following e-mail messages as situations dictate:

  1. An acknowledgement to you confirming your submission and recapping the essential elements of the proceedings.
  2. An e-mail to the publication staff, thereby triggering initiation of the proceedings approval process.
  3. A notification of the proceedings proposal being either accepted or rejected. If the proceedings proposal is
    • Accepted, the e-mail notification will provide you with a recap of the proceedings details, inclusive of any changes that may have been made to your proposal as part of the approval process. Critical deadlines concerning the development of the proceedings will be included as well. At the same time, ProgramMaster will be configured to begin accepting manuscripts for this proceedings.
    • Rejected, the e-mail notification may contain additional information as to why the decision was made.
Once the proceedings is opened for the collection of manuscripts, the proceedings editor may receive the following messages from the system as specific milestones are achieved and based on these features being enabled by the conference organizers:
  1. A notification every time that a new manuscript is submitted (only manuscripts based on abstracts that have been accepted for presentation in the conference are eligible for inclusion in the proceedings).
  2. A notification every time that a manuscript is resubmitted.
Proceedings Statuses |Back to Help|

Once your proceedings proposal is submitted, it will be assigned a status. This status is automatically updated as the symposium progresses through the various steps of the approval and publication process. The status of your proceedings can be viewed by selecting "Organizer/Editor Tools " from the main menu. The status may be shown as follows:

  • Saved But Not Submitted: You began to create a proceedings proposal, but did not complete it. You have editing access to the proposal until the proceedings proposal submission deadline.
  • Proposed: The proceedings proposal has been submitted but has yet to be approved. If you wish, you may view the proceedings proposal summary, but you cannot edit it.
  • Open for Manuscripts: Papers are being submitted and editor(s) are reviewing, getting back with authors, accepting, rejecting, etc.
  • In Review: Editors are reviewing manuscripts, and submission is closed.
  • Staff-Only Administration: No public activity concerning the proceedings is underway. You can view a proceedings proposal summary with this status, but you cannot edit it.
  • Rejected: The proposed proceedings will not be published. You can still view a proceedings proposal summary with this status, but you cannot edit it.
Reviewing Manuscripts |Back to Help|

As a proceedings editor, one of your key tasks within ProgramMaster is to review the manuscripts that are submitted to the symposium. The system offers you a number of tools to help you perform this function in a timely way. "Timely," of course, is an operative term in ProgramMaster as an array of date-based triggers will dictate how long you have to review the manuscripts submitted for your proceedings.

When you receive the e-mail notification concerning the approval of your proceedings, the proceedings will be opened for the collection of manuscripts and you will have the ability to review manuscrips. The message will also indicate a number of critical dates as pertains to manuscript submissions. These dates include

  • Manuscript Submission Deadline: After this date, the system will no longer accept new manuscripts.
  • Modified Manuscript Deadline: This is the last day available to an author to resubmit a manuscript if you made acceptance of the manuscript contingent on modifications being made.
  • Review of Manuscripts Completed Deadline: After this date, you will no longer be able to update the status of any paper.

Every time a new manuscript is submitted to your proceedings, you will receive an e-mail notification that contains a summary of the submission. At this point, you may choose to give a manuscript a new designation in ProgramMaster. To assign a new status to a manuscript in ProgramMaster:

  1. Log in.
  2. Click the "Organizer/Editor Tools" link.
  3. Find your proceedings in the list presented and click the "Review Manuscripts" link.
  4. Click on the manuscript that you wish to review (note that the column headings are alphabetically sortable by clicking on the blue triangles of the "Paper No.", "Paper Title", "Submitter", and "Status" headings).
  5. Review the manuscript and mark the manuscript as either "Accepted", "Accepted if Modified", or "Rejected" based on the results of your review. Please note that you should provide the author constructive feedback on what changes that you would require if you designate the manuscript as "Accepted if Modified". The author and co-authors will receive an e-mail notification of your decision along with instructions of what to do next.
  6. Provide comments as appropriate back to the author in the field provided.
  7. Formalize the new status by clicking "Set New Status". This will trigger an e-mail notification to the author.

If you accept a manuscript contingent on modifications being made, you will receive notification when the new version of the manuscript is submitted. Be sure to review it prior to the final manuscript deadline passing.

Be aware that until the modified manuscript deadline passes, the submitter of the manuscript has the opportunity to make additional changes to it.

Contacting Proceedings Participants with the Contact Authors Tool |Back to Help|

In addition to the auto-generated e-mails that ProgramMaster sends to authors within a proceedings, the system also allows editors to engage in self-initiated contact with authors on an as-required basis. To do this,

  • Log in.
  • Click the "Organizer/Editor Tools" link.
  • Find your proceedings in the list presented and click the "Contact Authors" link.
  • Complete the form presented. It will allow you to compose a plain-text message that can be directed to individual authors, all authors, and/or potential authors.
  • When sending a message by use of this interface, you will receive a bcc: of the message, as will the Publications Department.
  • You may also use this interface to send a mass message to subject chairs/editors.

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