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Conference Tools for MS&T27: Materials Science & Technology
Register as a New User
Submit An Abstract
Propose A Symposium
Presenter/Author Tools
Organizer/Editor Tools
Tips for Volunteer Presenters, Authors, Organizers, and Editors

  • Each presenter is notified of the time and location of his or her presentation as soon as possible (usually, three or more months in advance of the meeting date) via e-mail.
  • Copying, printing, faxing services are usually provided by the Convention Center at a minimal cost to the attendee.
  • Student monitors are on-site in the session room to provide assistance to organizers and presenters.
  • Each meeting room is typically equipped with the following resources (for specific details about the symposium in which you will participate, refer to an abstract submission form):
    • Podium with Microphone
    • Screen (Appropriately Sized to Room)
    • Laser Pointer
    • XGA High-Resolution LCD Projector
    • Switcher (Enables Three or More Laptops to Be Connected to the Projector)
  • Other special equipment can be requested when submitting the abstract proposal form.
  • Presenters must supply their own laptop computers if one is to be used during the presentation.
  • Authors should prepare their audio/visual materials before arriving. The opportunity to employ a meeting-specific PowerPoint template is provided when an abstract is approved.
  • Please keep in mind that meetings are very international in nature, attracting attendees from around the world. Many of these individuals speak English as a second language.
  • Each presenter is required to attend "authors' coffee" on the day of his or her presentation. This breakfast meeting provides an important opportunity for authors and session chairs to meet and coordinate final details on the presentation of papers.
  • Each presenter must register for the conference; pre-meeting registration is strongly encouraged. Registration and housing reservation forms are available via the home page for each meeting. To access these pages, visit the Meeting Home Page.
  • Each poster author is provided a 4 ft. x 4 ft. poster board for display purposes. Authors are responsible for the set up and tear down of their printed materials. Posters should comprise diagrams, charts, figures, illustrations, etc.; they should not be text-intensive. All material should be readable from a distance of 6 feet (2 meters).
U.S. antitrust laws and regulations
We will comply with U.S. antitrust laws and regulations. Compliance with U.S. and foreign antitrust and competition laws is an important value to this professional Society and its participating members. Presenters are encouraged to consult with their own corporate counsel for further guidance in the area of legal compliance. The Antitrust Cautionary Statement can be found at the conference management website You are strongly encouraged to read this statement before preparing and delivering your presentation.

Detailed information regarding the preparation of manuscripts for presentation in proceedings volume can be found at Specific instructions concerning which set of manuscript preparation guidelines to use will be mailed to authors well in advance of the manuscript submission due date.

It is imperative that organizers, session chairs, and authors adhere to the time allocated for each presentation. If a paper is canceled, session chairs are asked to substitute a back up presentation if available, a break or discussion period the length of the canceled paper in order to maintain the printed time schedule. Please do not advance the papers that follow a canceled or withdrawn paper. This causes complaints, criticism and dissatisfaction among the attendees who are following the schedule.

We have developed the Editor's Guide (a PDF) to provide comprehensive instructions to ensure that your publication will meet the anticipated standards. Be sure to read this guide prior to submitting a proceedings proposal form.

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