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Conference Tools for MS&T28: Materials Science & Technology
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General Information on ProgramMaster
To aid you in your use of ProgramMaster, a number of support and backgrounder pages have been prepared that concisely, yet comprehensively, articulate system features, answer user questions, and provide guidance to the volunteers who develop and manage meeting content.

System Help and Tutorials
This procedural summary describes how ProgramMaster operates, provides general guidelines for use, and describes the hows of various paths of activity (i.e., abstract authors, manuscript authors, symposium organizers, and proceedings editors).
Brief but reasonably complete answers to the most commonly occurring questions posed by users of ProgramMaster.
A suite of general meeting and publication preparation suggestions, reminders, and guidelines designed to help the volunteer succeed as a presenter, an author, an organizer, and an editor.

Questions about ProgramMaster? Contact