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Meeting 2025 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition
Symposium Advances in Biomaterials for Bioink Formulation and 3D Printing of Scaffolds
Presentation Title 3D Printing of a Biocompatible Nanoink Derived from Waste Animal Bones
Author(s) Rajat Mishra
On-Site Speaker (Planned) Rajat Mishra
Abstract Scope Direct ink writing (DIW) is a versatile 3D printing technique ideal for tissue engineering, capable of printing a variety of materials with well-engineered rheological properties. DIW can address issues such as bone and tooth fractures, requiring biocompatible materials to avoid rejection and secondary surgeries. Traditionally, calcium-rich materials have been used, but they can be toxic. This study presents a bioderived ink made from calcium nanoparticles extracted from waste animal bones, mixed with biocompatible binders. The ink is used to print scaffolds with controlled porosity, promoting cell growth. The DIW-printed parts exhibit improved mechanical properties and biocompatibility, essential for grafting applications. Degradation tests and MTT assays confirm the biocompatibility of the materials. Additionally, discrete element modeling and computational fluid dynamics are employed using Rocky and Ansys software. This work demonstrates that biowaste materials, if well-engineered, can provide a sustainable source of raw materials for advanced orthopedic grafting applications.
Proceedings Inclusion? Planned:
Keywords Biomaterials, Additive Manufacturing, Composites


3D Printing of a Biocompatible Nanoink Derived from Waste Animal Bones
A-2: 3D Printing of Mechanically Reinforced Hydrogels Based on Ketoenamine-Crosslinked Polyrotaxane Network
A-3: Enhanced Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Gelatin Methacryloyl (GelMA)-Based Hydrogels for Peripheral Nerve Recovery
A-4: Rapid 3D Printing of Electro-Active Hydrogels
Additively Manufactured Biodegradable ZnMg Alloy for Cortical-Bone Mimicking Load-Bearing Applications

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