ACerS/EPDC: Arthur L. Friedberg Ceramic Engineering Tutorial and Lecture: ACerS/EPDC: Arthur L. Friedberg Ceramic Engineering Tutorial and Lecture
Sponsored by: ACerS/Education and Professional Development Council
Program Organizers: MS&T Administration, MS&T PCC

Monday 9:00 AM
October 18, 2021
Room: B130
Location: Greater Columbus Convention Center

Session Chair: Rosario Gerhardt, Georgia Institute of Technology

9:00 AM  Invited
Environmental Barrier Coatings – Enabling Materials for Extreme Environments: Elizabeth Opila1; 1University of Virginia
    Materials used in power, propulsion, and energy applications must often perform in extreme reactive environments at high temperatures. One successful design approach is to utilize structural materials with the requisite mechanical properties and apply environmental barrier coatings (EBCs) for protection from the high temperature reacting environments. As increased demands are placed on structural materials, greater protective capabilities of coatings are needed. This presentation charts the development of silicate and/or oxide environmental barrier coatings for turbine engine applications focusing on SiC-based ceramic matrix composites with additional information on refractory alloys. EBC processing approaches, thermal expansion match, chemical compatibility with the substrate, ability to protect the component from the combustion environment and molten contaminants are all considered. Innovative solutions for improved coatings will be discussed.