Advances in Surface Engineering: Advances in Surface Engineering
Sponsored by: TMS Surface Engineering Committee
Program Organizers: Rajeswaran Radhakrishnan, Faraday Technology Inc; Brian Skinn, OpenTeams, Inc.; Timothy Hall, Faraday Technology Inc; Michael Roach, University of Mississippi Medical Center; Sandip Harimkar, Oklahoma State University; Tushar Borkar, Cleveland State University; Rajeev Gupta, North Carolina State University

Wednesday 8:00 AM
October 20, 2021
Room: A214
Location: Greater Columbus Convention Center

Session Chair: Rajeswaran Radhakrishnan, Faraday Technology, Inc.; Andrew Moran, Faraday Technology, Inc.

8:00 AM  
Engineering of Wearproof Surface by Management of Mechanical-Chemical Phenomena in Zone Contact: Volodymyr Tsyganov1; Richard Mokhnach1; 1"Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic" National University
     Management possibility is considered using the features forming of the nanostructural state of superficial layer intensity wear of details. The mechanical is chemical phenomena in the zone of contact at presence polymer and their influence are analysed on durabilition and deformation properties of superficial layer. Principles of engineering wearproof surface steel details are recommended by a management nanostructural state of superficial layer contacting details in the conditions of difficult dynamic pin loading with the use of polymers in the contact tribocouplings. Technology of receipt ingots is worked out from secondary copper materials, that allowed to bring down the negative indexes of friction copper on a copper, to promote the indexes of electroconductivity in the interval of working temperatures and promote wearproofness of pair pin network. Keywords: wearproofness; superficial layer; structural state; loading, destruction polymer.

8:20 AM  
Methodological Principles of Engineering Surface Stainless Steel at Treatment Cutting with a Polymer: Volodymyr Tsyganov1; Sergey Sheyko2; 1"Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic" National University; 2Zaporizhzhia National University
     Management possibility is considered using the features forming of the nanostructural state of superficial layer intensity wear of details. Perspective of the use of Polymethylmetacrilat is shown in the contact of tribocoupling for creation of the certain nanostructural state of superficial layer details of stainless steel. Methodology of engineering surface of enhanceable wearproofness is presented in the conditions of difficult dynamic pin loading, and also at finish treatment of details tribocouplings with the use of granular abrasive material.Keywords: wearproofness; superficial layer; nanostructural state; loading

8:40 AM  
Non-linear Through-hole Fabrication by Electrochemical Machining: Andrew Moran1; Brian Skinn1; Tim Hall1; Stephen Snyder1; Michael Horonzy2; Victor Alderman1; 1Faraday Technology Inc.; 2Republic Anode Fabricators
    Electrochemical machining (ECM) is an established manufacturing technique that possesses several advantages relative to traditional machining including: 1) applicability to hard and difficult to cut materials, 2) no tool wear, 3) high material removal rate, 4) smooth bright surface finish, and 5) production of parts with complex geometry. This talk will summarize recent expanded efforts in machining non-linear through-holes in metallic substrates via multi-step ECM with a modified apparatus to suit tubular workpieces. Results from the ECM of non-linear holes in tubular workpieces will be presented, demonstrating the capability to achieve through-hole shapes not possible with conventional machining. The potential for multiphysics modeling to provide accurate guidance on tool shape and ECM process parameters to achieve target machined geometries will also be discussed.