Ceramic Matrix Composites: Poster Session
Sponsored by: ACerS Engineering Ceramics Division
Program Organizers: Narottam Bansal, NASA Glenn Research Center; Jacques Lamon, CNRS; Sung Choi, Naval Air Systems Command

Tuesday 11:00 AM
October 19, 2021
Room: Exhibit Hall B
Location: Greater Columbus Convention Center

Session Chair: Narottam Bansal, NASA Glenn Research Center

P1-1: High Performance Oxide-Oxide CMCs: Logan Johnson1; 1Applied Thin Films, Inc.
    Oxide-Oxide CMCs exhibit poor interlaminar strengths which has limited its broad applicability in aerospace and energy applications. The primary issue has been poor quality of matrix and CMC microstructrure. A novel matrix chemistry and improved processing techniques has led to the development of an entirely new stable and uniform microstructure that offer unprecedentedly high interlaminar shear strengths (~2 ksi). The fiber tow spreading has been improved significantly resulting in minimal amount of matrix pockets which typically causes the onset of interlaminar failure. These composites show unprecedentedly low levels of variability in mechanical strengths due to high efficiency of fiber spreading and more uniform loading of the fiber. This presentation will discuss recent experimental results on NextelŽ 610 CMCs and demonstration of prototype shapes.