ICME 2023: Plenary Session II
Program Organizers: Charles Ward, AFRL/RXM; Heather Murdoch, U.S. Army Research Laboratory

Wednesday 8:00 AM
May 24, 2023
Room: Caribbean VI & VII
Location: Caribe Royale

Session Chair: Charles Ward

8:00 AM  Plenary
The Multiple Facets of ICME in Modern Manufacturing at Brunswick Boat Group and Mercury Marine: Adam Kopper1; 1Mercury Marine
    Materials engineering encompasses synthesis of new materials, the understanding and optimization of its properties, and how it can be processed to the benefit of humankind. New material development has a growing emphasis on the useful life management of that product. Thus, any computational method which facilitates materials design, development, deployment, and product life management fits within the ICME field. Many companies use such tools without realizing that they are working within the ICME spectrum. This plenary talk covers the importance of ICME in modern manufacturing operations. Examples of the many facets of ICME utilized at Mercury Marine and Brunswick Boat Group will be presented. Additionally, insight will be provided into the significant effort involved in bringing new ICME derived materials into production.

8:40 AM  Plenary
Accelerating Development of Materials with Artificial Intelligence: James Saal1; 1Citrine Informatics
    The development of novel materials and manufacturing processes can be time consuming and expensive due to the costs of experiments and the complexity of hierarchical process-structure-property-performance (PSPP) relationships that are unique across materials classes (e.g., polymers, metals, ceramics). Artificial intelligence (AI)-driven materials design is particularly useful on 1) optimization exercises that are high-dimensional, 2) problems where PSPP cause-and-effect are unknown, and 3) projects with resource constraints. While a researcher using traditional methods typically estimate which inputs are the most important to vary and develop experiments accordingly, AI can systematically create machine learning models using all input combinations and then act as a copilot for the researcher, suggesting a series of experiments to explore the design space in the most efficient manner. This talk will describe the Citrine Platform, cloud-based enterprise-level software that combines smart materials data infrastructure and AI. Citrine’s experience in materials development will be illustrated with case studies.

9:20 AM Break